No |
Kode |
Deskripsi |
1 |
A82 |
2 |
A82.9 |
Rabies, unspecified |
3 |
N77 |
4 |
H01 |
5 |
N73 |
6 |
N72 |
7 |
K62.7 |
Radiation proctitis |
8 |
M54.12 |
Radiculopathy, cervical region |
9 |
M54.13 |
Radiculopathy, cervicothoracic region |
10 |
M54.16 |
Radiculopathy, lumbar region |
11 |
M54.17 |
Radiculopathy, lumbosacral region |
12 |
M54.10 |
Radiculopathy, multiple sites |
13 |
M54.11 |
Radiculopathy, occipito-atlanto-axial region |
14 |
M54.18 |
Radiculopathy, sacral and sacrococcygeal region |
15 |
M54.19 |
Radiculopathy, site unspecified |
16 |
M54.14 |
Radiculopathy, thoracic region |
17 |
M54.15 |
Radiculopathy, thoracolumbar region |
18 |
K04.8 |
Radiocular kista |
19 |
L58 |
20 |
L58.9 |
Radiodermatitis, unspecified |
21 |
Y78 |
22 |
Y78.0 |
Radiological devices associated with misadventures, diagnostic and monitoring devices |
23 |
Y78.8 |
Radiological devices associated with misadventures, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified |
24 |
Y78.2 |
Radiological devices associated with misadventures, prosthetic and other implants, materials and accessory devices |
25 |
Y78.3 |
Radiological devices associated with misadventures, surgical instruments, materials and devices (including sutures) |
26 |
Y78.1 |
Radiological devices associated with misadventures, therapeutic (nonsurgical) and rehabilitative devices |
27 |
Z01.6 |
Radiological examination, not elsewhere classified |
28 |
Y84.2 |
Radiological procedure and radiotherapy as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure |
29 |
Z51.0 |
Radiotherapy session |
30 |
R76.0 |
Raised antibody titre |
31 |
N01.6 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease |
32 |
N01.7 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
33 |
N01.4 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
34 |
N01.2 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
35 |
N01.3 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
36 |
N01.5 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
37 |
N01.1 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
38 |
N01.0 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality |
39 |
N01.8 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, other |
40 |
N01.9 |
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, unspecified |
41 |
R21 |
42 |
A25.9 |
Rat-bite fever, unspecified |
43 |
A25 |
44 |
I73.0 |
Raynauds sindroma |
45 |
I44.7 |
46 |
I47.0 |
Re-entry ventricular arrhythmia |
47 |
F43.9 |
Reaction to severe stress, unspecified |
48 |
F43 |
49 |
P93 |
50 |
M02 |
51 |
M03.67 |
Reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere, ankle and foot |
52 |
M03.63 |
Reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere, forearm |
53 |
M03.64 |
Reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere, hand |
54 |
M03.66 |
Reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere, lower leg |
55 |
M03.60 |
Reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere, multiple sites |
56 |
M03.68 |
Reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere, other site |
57 |
M03.65 |
Reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere, pelvic region and thigh |
58 |
M03.61 |
Reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere, shoulder region |
59 |
M03.69 |
Reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere, site unspecified |
60 |
M03.62 |
Reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere, upper arm |
61 |
M02.97 |
Reactive arthropathy, unspecified, ankle and foot |
62 |
M02.93 |
Reactive arthropathy, unspecified, forearm |
63 |
M02.94 |
Reactive arthropathy, unspecified, hand |
64 |
M02.96 |
Reactive arthropathy, unspecified, lower leg |
65 |
M02.90 |
Reactive arthropathy, unspecified, multiple sites |
66 |
M02.98 |
Reactive arthropathy, unspecified, other site |
67 |
M02.95 |
Reactive arthropathy, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh |
68 |
M02.91 |
Reactive arthropathy, unspecified, shoulder region |
69 |
M02.99 |
Reactive arthropathy, unspecified, site unspecified |
70 |
M02.92 |
Reactive arthropathy, unspecified, upper arm |
71 |
F94.1 |
Reactive attachment disorder of childhood |
72 |
L87.1 |
Reactive perforating collagenosis |
73 |
K75.2 |
reactur / reactive hepatitis |
74 |
E16.0 |
reaksi hipoglikemia |
75 |
F43.0 |
reaksi sters akut |
76 |
F43.2 |
reaksi stres berat dan gangguan penyesuaian, somatoform, neurotik lainnya |
77 |
C49.1 |
rebtomysarcoma cruris dextra |
78 |
F80.2 |
Receptive language disorder |
79 |
A75.1 |
Recrudescent typhus [Brills disease] |
80 |
K61.1 |
Rectal abscess |
81 |
P54.2 |
rectal bleeding bayi |
82 |
K60.4 |
Rectal fistula |
83 |
K62.1 |
Rectal polyp / polip recti / rectum |
84 |
K62.3 |
Rectal prolapse |
85 |
N82.3 |
recto vaginal fistula |
86 |
N81.6 |
Rectocele |
87 |
N02 |
88 |
N02.6 |
Recurrent and persistent haematuria, dense deposit disease |
89 |
N02.7 |
Recurrent and persistent haematuria, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis |
90 |
N02.4 |
Recurrent and persistent haematuria, diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
91 |
N02.2 |
Recurrent and persistent haematuria, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis |
92 |
N02.3 |
Recurrent and persistent haematuria, diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
93 |
N02.5 |
Recurrent and persistent haematuria, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
94 |
N02.1 |
Recurrent and persistent haematuria, focal and segmental glomerular lesions |
95 |
N02.0 |
Recurrent and persistent haematuria, minor glomerular abnormality |
96 |
N02.9 |
Recurrent and persistent haematuria, unspecified |
97 |
M43.3 |
Recurrent atlantoaxial subluxation with myelopathy |
98 |
H95.0 |
Recurrent cholesteatoma of postmastoidectomy cavity |
99 |
F33 |
100 |
F33.0 |
Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode mild |
101 |
F33.1 |
Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate |
102 |
F33.3 |
Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe with psychotic symptoms |
103 |
F33.2 |
Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe without psychotic symptoms |
104 |
F33.4 |
Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in remission |
105 |
F33.9 |
Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified |
106 |
M24.47 |
Recurrent dislocation and subluxation of joint, ankle and foot |
107 |
M24.43 |
Recurrent dislocation and subluxation of joint, forearm |
108 |
M24.44 |
Recurrent dislocation and subluxation of joint, hand |
109 |
M24.46 |
Recurrent dislocation and subluxation of joint, lower leg |
110 |
M24.48 |
Recurrent dislocation and subluxation of joint, other site |
111 |
M24.45 |
Recurrent dislocation and subluxation of joint, pelvic region and thigh |
112 |
M24.41 |
Recurrent dislocation and subluxation of joint, shoulder region |
113 |
M24.49 |
Recurrent dislocation and subluxation of joint, site unspecified |
114 |
M24.42 |
Recurrent dislocation and subluxation of joint, upper arm |
115 |
M22.0 |
Recurrent dislocation of patella |
116 |
K12.0 |
Recurrent oral aphthae |
117 |
M22.1 |
Recurrent subluxation of patella |
118 |
Z74.0 |
Reduced mobility |
119 |
Q72 |
120 |
Q72.9 |
Reduction defect of lower limb, unspecified |
121 |
Q73 |
122 |
Q71 |
123 |
Q71.9 |
Reduction defect of upper limb, unspecified |
124 |
K21.9 |
reflex esofagus |
125 |
N31.1 |
Reflex neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified |
126 |
K21.0 |
reflix esofagus |
127 |
D46.2 |
Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts |
128 |
D46.3 |
Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts with transformation |
129 |
D46.1 |
Refractory anaemia with sideroblasts |
130 |
D46.0 |
Refractory anaemia without sideroblasts, so stated |
131 |
D46.4 |
Refractory anaemia, unspecified |
132 |
G60.1 |
Refsums disease |
133 |
S56.1 |
reftur tendon flexon digit |
134 |
N83.8 |
refture tuba |
135 |
P92.1 |
Regurgitation and rumination in newborn |
136 |
M02.37 |
Reiters disease, ankle and foot |
137 |
M02.33 |
Reiters disease, forearm |
138 |
M02.34 |
Reiters disease, hand |
139 |
M02.36 |
Reiters disease, lower leg |
140 |
M02.30 |
Reiters disease, multiple sites |
141 |
M02.38 |
Reiters disease, other site |
142 |
M02.35 |
Reiters disease, pelvic region and thigh |
143 |
M02.31 |
Reiters disease, shoulder region |
144 |
M02.39 |
Reiters disease, site unspecified |
145 |
M02.32 |
Reiters disease, upper arm |
146 |
A68.9 |
Relapsing fever, unspecified |
147 |
A68 |
148 |
M35.6 |
Relapsing panniculitis [Weber-Christian] |
149 |
M94.1 |
Relapsing polychondritis |
150 |
Z61.1 |
Removal from home in childhood |
151 |
Y83.6 |
Removal of other organ (partial) (total) |
152 |
N28.8 |
ren mobilis |
153 |
Q60 |
154 |
Q60.1 |
Renal agenesis, bilateral |
155 |
Q60.0 |
Renal agenesis, unilateral |
156 |
Q60.2 |
Renal agenesis, unspecified |
157 |
Q61.4 |
Renal dysplasia |
158 |
O08.4 |
Renal failure following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy |
159 |
Q60.4 |
Renal hypoplasia, bilateral |
160 |
Q60.3 |
Renal hypoplasia, unilateral |
161 |
Q60.5 |
Renal hypoplasia, unspecified |
162 |
N25.0 |
Renal osteodystrophy |
163 |
N15.9 |
Renal tubulo-interstitial disease, unspecified |
164 |
N16.2 |
Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in blood diseases and disorders involving the immune mechanism |
165 |
N16.0 |
Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere |
166 |
N16.3 |
Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in metabolic diseases |
167 |
N16.1 |
Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in neoplastic diseases |
168 |
N16.8 |
Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere |
169 |
N16.4 |
Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in systemic connective tissue disorders |
170 |
N16.5 |
Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in transplant rejection (T86.-+) |
171 |
I15.0 |
Renovascular hypertension |
172 |
B97.5 |
Reovirus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
173 |
S36.20 |
reptun pancreas traumatik |
174 |
S36.10 |
reptur hepas |
175 |
S09.2 |
reptur uretra traumatik |
176 |
O71.1 |
repture uretri |
177 |
M79.57 |
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, ankle and foot |
178 |
M79.53 |
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, forearm |
179 |
M79.54 |
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, hand |
180 |
M79.56 |
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, lower leg |
181 |
M79.50 |
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, multiple sites |
182 |
M79.58 |
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, other site |
183 |
M79.55 |
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, pelvic region and thigh |
184 |
M79.51 |
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, shoulder region |
185 |
M79.59 |
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, site unspecified |
186 |
M79.52 |
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, upper arm |
187 |
I84.6 |
Residual haemorrhoidal skin tags |
188 |
F20.5 |
Residual schizophrenia |
189 |
R09.2 |
Respiratory arrest |
190 |
J70 |
191 |
P28.9 |
Respiratory condition of newborn, unspecified |
192 |
J70.8 |
Respiratory conditions due to other specified external agents |
193 |
J70.9 |
Respiratory conditions due to unspecified external agent |
194 |
J98.9 |
Respiratory disorder, unspecified |
195 |
J99.1 |
Respiratory disorders in other diffuse connective tissue disorders |
196 |
J99.8 |
Respiratory disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere |
197 |
P22 |
198 |
P28.5 |
Respiratory failure bayi |
199 |
J96 |
200 |
B97.4 |
Respiratory syncytial virus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
201 |
J12.1 |
Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia |
202 |
A15 |
203 |
A16 |
204 |
A15.9 |
Respiratory tuberculosis unspecified, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically |
205 |
O72.0 |
rest placenta / sisa placenta |
206 |
R45.1 |
Restlessness and agitation |
207 |
H05.5 |
Retained (old) foreign body following penetrating wound of orbit |
208 |
H44.6 |
Retained (old) intraocular foreign body, magnetic |
209 |
H44.7 |
Retained (old) intraocular foreign body, nonmagnetic |
210 |
K08.3 |
Retained dental root |
211 |
O26.3 |
Retained intrauterine contraceptive device in pregnancy |
212 |
O73 |
213 |
O73.0 |
Retained placenta without haemorrhage |
214 |
O73.1 |
Retained portions of placenta and membranes, without haemorrhage |
215 |
E45 |
216 |
R33 |
217 |
L41.5 |
Retiform parapsoriasis |
218 |
H33.3 |
Retinal breaks without detachment |
219 |
H33 |
220 |
H35.9 |
Retinal disorder, unspecified |
221 |
H35.6 |
Retinal haemorrhage |
222 |
H34.9 |
Retinal vascular occlusion, unspecified |
223 |
C96.2 |
retino blastoma |
224 |
H35.1 |
Retinopathy of prematurity |
225 |
H33.1 |
Retinoschisis and retinal cysts |
226 |
O92.0 |
Retracted nipple associated with childbirth |
227 |
Q55.2 |
retractile testis |
228 |
H48.1 |
Retrobulbar neuritis in diseases classified elsewhere |
229 |
R41.2 |
Retrograde amnesia |
230 |
B97.3 |
Retrovirus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters |
231 |
B33.3 |
Retrovirus infections, not elsewhere classified |
232 |
F84.2 |
Retts syndrome |
233 |
N22 |
234 |
G93.7 |
Reyes syndrome |
235 |
T80.4 |
Rh incompatibility reaction |
236 |
P55.0 |
Rh isoimmunisation of fetus and newborn |
237 |
I06.1 |
Rheumatic aortic insufficiency |
238 |
I06.0 |
Rheumatic aortic stenosis |
239 |
I06.2 |
Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency |
240 |
I06 |
241 |
I06.9 |
Rheumatic aortic valve disease, unspecified |
242 |
I02 |
243 |
I02.0 |
Rheumatic chorea with heart involvement |
244 |
I02.9 |
Rheumatic chorea without heart involvement |
245 |
I09.1 |
Rheumatic diseases of endocardium, valve unspecified |
246 |
I01 |
247 |
I09.9 |
Rheumatic heart disease / RHD |
248 |
I05.1 |
Rheumatic mitral insufficiency |
249 |
I05 |
250 |
I07 |
251 |
M79.07 |
Rheumatism, unspecified, ankle and foot |
252 |
M79.03 |
Rheumatism, unspecified, forearm |
253 |
M79.04 |
Rheumatism, unspecified, hand |
254 |
M79.06 |
Rheumatism, unspecified, lower leg |
255 |
M79.08 |
Rheumatism, unspecified, other site |
256 |
M79.05 |
Rheumatism, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh |
257 |
M79.01 |
Rheumatism, unspecified, shoulder region |
258 |
M79.09 |
Rheumatism, unspecified, site unspecified |
259 |
M79.02 |
Rheumatism, unspecified, upper arm |
260 |
M06.90 |
Rheumatoid arthritis / RA / rhematoid |
261 |
M05.37 |
Rheumatoid arthritis with involvement of other organs and systems, ankle and foot |
262 |
M05.33 |
Rheumatoid arthritis with involvement of other organs and systems, forearm |
263 |
M05.34 |
Rheumatoid arthritis with involvement of other organs and systems, hand |
264 |
M05.36 |
Rheumatoid arthritis with involvement of other organs and systems, lower leg |
265 |
M05.30 |
Rheumatoid arthritis with involvement of other organs and systems, multiple sites |
266 |
M05.38 |
Rheumatoid arthritis with involvement of other organs and systems, other site |
267 |
M05.35 |
Rheumatoid arthritis with involvement of other organs and systems, pelvic region and thigh |
268 |
M05.31 |
Rheumatoid arthritis with involvement of other organs and systems, shoulder region |
269 |
M05.39 |
Rheumatoid arthritis with involvement of other organs and systems, site unspecified |
270 |
M05.32 |
Rheumatoid arthritis with involvement of other organs and systems, upper arm |
271 |
M06.97 |
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified, ankle and foot |
272 |
M06.93 |
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified, forearm |
273 |
M06.94 |
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified, hand |
274 |
M06.96 |
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified, lower leg |
275 |
M06.98 |
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified, other site |
276 |
M06.95 |
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh |
277 |
M06.91 |
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified, shoulder region |
278 |
M06.99 |
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified, site unspecified |
279 |
M06.92 |
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified, upper arm |
280 |
M06.27 |
Rheumatoid bursitis, ankle and foot |
281 |
M06.23 |
Rheumatoid bursitis, forearm |
282 |
M06.24 |
Rheumatoid bursitis, hand |
283 |
M06.26 |
Rheumatoid bursitis, lower leg |
284 |
M06.20 |
Rheumatoid bursitis, multiple sites |
285 |
M06.28 |
Rheumatoid bursitis, other site |
286 |
M06.25 |
Rheumatoid bursitis, pelvic region and thigh |
287 |
M06.21 |
Rheumatoid bursitis, shoulder region |
288 |
M06.29 |
Rheumatoid bursitis, site unspecified |
289 |
M06.22 |
Rheumatoid bursitis, upper arm |
290 |
J99.0 |
Rheumatoid lung disease (M05.1+) |
291 |
M05.17 |
Rheumatoid lung disease, ankle and foot (J99.0*) |
292 |
M05.13 |
Rheumatoid lung disease, forearm (J99.0*) |
293 |
M05.14 |
Rheumatoid lung disease, hand (J99.0*) |
294 |
M05.16 |
Rheumatoid lung disease, lower leg (J99.0*) |
295 |
M05.10 |
Rheumatoid lung disease, multiple sites (J99.0*) |
296 |
M05.18 |
Rheumatoid lung disease, other site (J99.0*) |
297 |
M05.15 |
Rheumatoid lung disease, pelvic region and thigh (J99.0*) |
298 |
M05.11 |
Rheumatoid lung disease, shoulder region (J99.0*) |
299 |
M05.19 |
Rheumatoid lung disease, site unspecified (J99.0*) |
300 |
M05.12 |
Rheumatoid lung disease, upper arm (J99.0*) |
301 |
M06.37 |
Rheumatoid nodule, ankle and foot |
302 |
M06.33 |
Rheumatoid nodule, forearm |
303 |
M06.34 |
Rheumatoid nodule, hand |
304 |
M06.36 |
Rheumatoid nodule, lower leg |
305 |
M06.30 |
Rheumatoid nodule, multiple sites |
306 |
M06.38 |
Rheumatoid nodule, other site |
307 |
M06.35 |
Rheumatoid nodule, pelvic region and thigh |
308 |
M06.31 |
Rheumatoid nodule, shoulder region |
309 |
M06.39 |
Rheumatoid nodule, site unspecified |
310 |
M06.32 |
Rheumatoid nodule, upper arm |
311 |
M05.27 |
Rheumatoid vasculitis, ankle and foot |
312 |
M05.23 |
Rheumatoid vasculitis, forearm |
313 |
M05.24 |
Rheumatoid vasculitis, hand |
314 |
M05.26 |
Rheumatoid vasculitis, lower leg |
315 |
M05.20 |
Rheumatoid vasculitis, multiple sites |
316 |
M05.28 |
Rheumatoid vasculitis, other site |
317 |
M05.25 |
Rheumatoid vasculitis, pelvic region and thigh |
318 |
M05.21 |
Rheumatoid vasculitis, shoulder region |
319 |
M05.29 |
Rheumatoid vasculitis, site unspecified |
320 |
M05.22 |
Rheumatoid vasculitis, upper arm |
321 |
B46.1 |
Rhinocerebral mucormycosis |
322 |
L71.1 |
Rhinophyma |
323 |
B48.1 |
Rhinosporidiosis |
324 |
B56.1 |
Rhodesiense trypanosomiasis |
325 |
E53.0 |
Riboflavin deficiency |
326 |
E55.0 |
Rickets, active |
327 |
Y59.1 |
Rickettsial vaccines causing adverse effects in therapeutic use |
328 |
A79.1 |
Rickettsialpox due to Rickettsia akari |
329 |
A79.9 |
Rickettsiosis, unspecified |
330 |
V80.09 |
Rider or occupant injured by fall from or being thrown from animal or animal-drawn vehicle in noncollision accident, during unspecified activity |
331 |
V80.01 |
Rider or occupant injured by fall from or being thrown from animal or animal-drawn vehicle in noncollision accident, while engaged in leisure activity |
332 |
V80.08 |
Rider or occupant injured by fall from or being thrown from animal or animal-drawn vehicle in noncollision accident, while engaged in other specified activities |
333 |
V80.03 |
Rider or occupant injured by fall from or being thrown from animal or animal-drawn vehicle in noncollision accident, while engaged in other types of work |
334 |
V80.00 |
Rider or occupant injured by fall from or being thrown from animal or animal-drawn vehicle in noncollision accident, while engaged in sports activity |
335 |
V80.04 |
Rider or occupant injured by fall from or being thrown from animal or animal-drawn vehicle in noncollision accident, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
336 |
V80.02 |
Rider or occupant injured by fall from or being thrown from animal or animal-drawn vehicle in noncollision accident, while working for an income |
337 |
V80.49 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck, van, heavy transport vehicle or bus, during unspecified activity |
338 |
V80.41 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck, van, heavy transport vehicle or bus, while engaged in leisure activity |
339 |
V80.48 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck, van, heavy transport vehicle or bus, while engaged in other specified activities |
340 |
V80.43 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck, van, heavy transport vehicle or bus, while engaged in other types of work |
341 |
V80.40 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck, van, heavy transport vehicle or bus, while engaged in sports activity |
342 |
V80.44 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck, van, heavy transport vehicle or bus, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
343 |
V80.42 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with car, pick-up truck, van, heavy transport vehicle or bus, while working for an income |
344 |
V80.89 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, during unspecified activity |
345 |
V80.81 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while engaged in leisure activity |
346 |
V80.88 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while engaged in other specified activities |
347 |
V80.83 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while engaged in other types of work |
348 |
V80.80 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while engaged in sports activity |
349 |
V80.84 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
350 |
V80.82 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, while working for an income |
351 |
V80.79 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, during unspecified activity |
352 |
V80.71 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while engaged in leisure activity |
353 |
V80.78 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while engaged in other specified activities |
354 |
V80.73 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while engaged in other types of work |
355 |
V80.70 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while engaged in sports activity |
356 |
V80.74 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
357 |
V80.72 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, while working for an income |
358 |
V80.59 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other specified motor vehicle, during unspecified activity |
359 |
V80.51 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other specified motor vehicle, while engaged in leisure activity |
360 |
V80.58 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other specified motor vehicle, while engaged in other specified activities |
361 |
V80.53 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other specified motor vehicle, while engaged in other types of work |
362 |
V80.50 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other specified motor vehicle, while engaged in sports activity |
363 |
V80.54 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other specified motor vehicle, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
364 |
V80.52 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with other specified motor vehicle, while working for an income |
365 |
V80.29 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, during unspecified activity |
366 |
V80.21 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, while engaged in leisure activity |
367 |
V80.28 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, while engaged in other specified activities |
368 |
V80.23 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, while engaged in other types of work |
369 |
V80.20 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, while engaged in sports activity |
370 |
V80.24 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
371 |
V80.22 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, while working for an income |
372 |
V80.19 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, during unspecified activity |
373 |
V80.11 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while engaged in leisure activity |
374 |
V80.18 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while engaged in other specified activities |
375 |
V80.13 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while engaged in other types of work |
376 |
V80.10 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while engaged in sports activity |
377 |
V80.14 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
378 |
V80.12 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, while working for an income |
379 |
V80.69 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, during unspecified activity |
380 |
V80.61 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while engaged in leisure activity |
381 |
V80.68 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while engaged in other specified activities |
382 |
V80.63 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while engaged in other types of work |
383 |
V80.60 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while engaged in sports activity |
384 |
V80.64 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
385 |
V80.62 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, while working for an income |
386 |
V80.39 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, during unspecified activity |
387 |
V80.31 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while engaged in leisure activity |
388 |
V80.38 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while engaged in other specified activities |
389 |
V80.33 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while engaged in other types of work |
390 |
V80.30 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while engaged in sports activity |
391 |
V80.34 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
392 |
V80.32 |
Rider or occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, while working for an income |
393 |
V80.99 |
Rider or occupant injured in other and unspecified transport accidents, during unspecified activity |
394 |
V80.91 |
Rider or occupant injured in other and unspecified transport accidents, while engaged in leisure activity |
395 |
V80.98 |
Rider or occupant injured in other and unspecified transport accidents, while engaged in other specified activities |
396 |
V80.93 |
Rider or occupant injured in other and unspecified transport accidents, while engaged in other types of work |
397 |
V80.90 |
Rider or occupant injured in other and unspecified transport accidents, while engaged in sports activity |
398 |
V80.94 |
Rider or occupant injured in other and unspecified transport accidents, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
399 |
V80.92 |
Rider or occupant injured in other and unspecified transport accidents, while working for an income |
400 |
T36.6 |
Rifamycins |
401 |
Y40.6 |
Rifamycins causing adverse effects in therapeutic use |
402 |
W33 |
403 |
W33.79 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, during unspecified activity |
404 |
W33.71 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, while engaged in leisure activity |
405 |
W33.78 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, while engaged in other specified activities |
406 |
W33.73 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, while engaged in other types of work |
407 |
W33.70 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, while engaged in sports activity |
408 |
W33.74 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
409 |
W33.72 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, while working for an income |
410 |
W33.09 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, during unspecified activity |
411 |
W33.01 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, while engaged in leisure activity |
412 |
W33.08 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, while engaged in other specified activities |
413 |
W33.03 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, while engaged in other types of work |
414 |
W33.00 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, while engaged in sports activity |
415 |
W33.04 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
416 |
W33.02 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, while working for an income |
417 |
W33.69 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity |
418 |
W33.61 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity |
419 |
W33.68 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities |
420 |
W33.63 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work |
421 |
W33.60 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity |
422 |
W33.64 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
423 |
W33.62 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while working for an income |
424 |
W33.89 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, during unspecified activity |
425 |
W33.81 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity |
426 |
W33.88 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities |
427 |
W33.83 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work |
428 |
W33.80 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity |
429 |
W33.84 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
430 |
W33.82 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, while working for an income |
431 |
W33.19 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, during unspecified activity |
432 |
W33.11 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity |
433 |
W33.18 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities |
434 |
W33.13 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work |
435 |
W33.10 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity |
436 |
W33.14 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
437 |
W33.12 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, while working for an income |
438 |
W33.29 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity |
439 |
W33.21 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity |
440 |
W33.28 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities |
441 |
W33.23 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work |
442 |
W33.20 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity |
443 |
W33.24 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
444 |
W33.22 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income |
445 |
W33.39 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity |
446 |
W33.31 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity |
447 |
W33.38 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities |
448 |
W33.33 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work |
449 |
W33.30 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity |
450 |
W33.34 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
451 |
W33.32 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while working for an income |
452 |
W33.49 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, during unspecified activity |
453 |
W33.41 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity |
454 |
W33.48 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities |
455 |
W33.43 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work |
456 |
W33.40 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity |
457 |
W33.44 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
458 |
W33.42 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, while working for an income |
459 |
W33.59 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, during unspecified activity |
460 |
W33.51 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity |
461 |
W33.58 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities |
462 |
W33.53 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work |
463 |
W33.50 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity |
464 |
W33.54 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
465 |
W33.52 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, while working for an income |
466 |
Y23.79 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, farm, during unspecified activity |
467 |
Y23.71 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in leisure activity |
468 |
Y23.78 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other specified activities |
469 |
Y23.73 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in other types of work |
470 |
Y23.70 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, farm, while engaged in sports activity |
471 |
Y23.74 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
472 |
Y23.72 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, farm, while working for an income |
473 |
Y23.09 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, home, during unspecified activity |
474 |
Y23.01 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in leisure activity |
475 |
Y23.08 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other specified activities |
476 |
Y23.03 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in other types of work |
477 |
Y23.00 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, home, while engaged in sports activity |
478 |
Y23.04 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
479 |
Y23.02 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, home, while working for an income |
480 |
Y23.69 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity |
481 |
Y23.61 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity |
482 |
Y23.68 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities |
483 |
Y23.63 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work |
484 |
Y23.60 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity |
485 |
Y23.64 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
486 |
Y23.62 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, industrial and construction area, while working for an income |
487 |
Y23.89 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, other specified places, during unspecified activity |
488 |
Y23.81 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity |
489 |
Y23.88 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities |
490 |
Y23.83 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work |
491 |
Y23.80 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity |
492 |
Y23.84 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
493 |
Y23.82 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, other specified places, while working for an income |
494 |
Y23.19 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, residential institution, during unspecified activity |
495 |
Y23.11 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity |
496 |
Y23.18 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities |
497 |
Y23.13 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work |
498 |
Y23.10 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity |
499 |
Y23.14 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
500 |
Y23.12 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, residential institution, while working for an income |
501 |
Y23.29 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity |
502 |
Y23.21 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity |
503 |
Y23.28 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities |
504 |
Y23.23 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work |
505 |
Y23.20 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity |
506 |
Y23.24 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
507 |
Y23.22 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income |
508 |
Y23.39 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity |
509 |
Y23.31 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity |
510 |
Y23.38 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities |
511 |
Y23.33 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work |
512 |
Y23.30 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity |
513 |
Y23.34 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
514 |
Y23.32 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, sports and athletics area, while working for an income |
515 |
Y23.49 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, street and highway, during unspecified activity |
516 |
Y23.41 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity |
517 |
Y23.48 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities |
518 |
Y23.43 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work |
519 |
Y23.40 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity |
520 |
Y23.44 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
521 |
Y23.42 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, street and highway, while working for an income |
522 |
Y23.59 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, trade and service area, during unspecified activity |
523 |
Y23.51 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity |
524 |
Y23.58 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities |
525 |
Y23.53 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work |
526 |
Y23.50 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity |
527 |
Y23.54 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
528 |
Y23.52 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, trade and service area, while working for an income |
529 |
Y23.99 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, unspecified place, during unspecified activity |
530 |
Y23.91 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity |
531 |
Y23.98 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities |
532 |
Y23.93 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work |
533 |
Y23.90 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity |
534 |
Y23.94 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
535 |
Y23.92 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent, unspecified place, while working for an income |
536 |
W33.99 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, during unspecified activity |
537 |
W33.91 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity |
538 |
W33.98 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities |
539 |
W33.93 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work |
540 |
W33.90 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity |
541 |
W33.94 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities |
542 |
W33.92 |
Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, while working for an income |
543 |
Y23 |
544 |
A92.4 |
Rift Valley fever |
545 |
I45.0 |
Right fascicular block |
546 |
A83.6 |
Rocio virus disease |
547 |
L71 |
548 |
L71.9 |
Rosacea, unspecified |
549 |
B33.1 |
Ross River disease |
550 |
M75.1 |
Rotator cuff syndrome |
551 |
A08.0 |
Rotaviral enteritis |
552 |
Z10 |
553 |
Z10.2 |
Routine general health check-up of armed forces |
554 |
Z10.1 |
Routine general health check-up of inhabitants of institutions |
555 |
Z10.8 |
Routine general health check-up of other defined subpopulations |
556 |
Z10.3 |
Routine general health check-up of sports teams |
557 |
Z39.2 |
Routine postpartum follow-up |
558 |
B06 |
559 |
M01.47 |
Rubella arthritis, ankle and foot (B06.8+) |
560 |
M01.43 |
Rubella arthritis, forearm (B06.8+) |
561 |
M01.44 |
Rubella arthritis, hand (B06.8+) |
562 |
M01.46 |
Rubella arthritis, lower leg (B06.8+) |
563 |
M01.40 |
Rubella arthritis, multiple sites (B06.8+) |
564 |
M01.48 |
Rubella arthritis, other site (B06.8+) |
565 |
M01.45 |
Rubella arthritis, pelvic region and thigh (B06.8+) |
566 |
M01.41 |
Rubella arthritis, shoulder region (B06.8+) |
567 |
M01.49 |
Rubella arthritis, site unspecified (B06.8+) |
568 |
M01.42 |
Rubella arthritis, upper arm (B06.8+) |
569 |
B06.0 |
Rubella with neurological complications |
570 |
B06.8 |
Rubella with other complications |
571 |
B06.9 |
Rubella without complication |
572 |
I77.2 |
Rupture / refture artery |
573 |
N32.4 |
Rupture of bladder, nontraumatic |
574 |
I23.3 |
Rupture of cardiac wall without haemopericardium as current complication following acute myocardial infarction |
575 |
I23.4 |
Rupture of chordae tendineae as current complication following acute myocardial infarction |
576 |
I51.1 |
Rupture of chordae tendineae, not elsewhere classified |
577 |
S93.2 |
Rupture of ligaments at ankle and foot level |
578 |
I23.5 |
Rupture of papillary muscle as current complication following acute myocardial infarction |
579 |
I51.2 |
Rupture of papillary muscle, not elsewhere classified |
580 |
M66.0 |
Rupture of popliteal cyst |
581 |
M66.17 |
Rupture of synovium, ankle and foot |
582 |
M66.13 |
Rupture of synovium, forearm |
583 |
M66.14 |
Rupture of synovium, hand |
584 |
M66.16 |
Rupture of synovium, lower leg |
585 |
M66.10 |
Rupture of synovium, multiple sites |
586 |
M66.18 |
Rupture of synovium, other site |
587 |
M66.15 |
Rupture of synovium, pelvic region and thigh |
588 |
M66.11 |
Rupture of synovium, shoulder region |
589 |
M66.19 |
Rupture of synovium, site unspecified |
590 |
M66.12 |
Rupture of synovium, upper arm |
591 |
O71.0 |
Rupture of uterus before onset of labour |