2      4           A      B      C      D      E      F      G      H      I      J      K      L      M      N      O      P      Q      R      S      T      U      V      W      X      Y      Z  
No Kode Deskripsi
1  Y51.6  a-Adrenoreceptor antagonists, not elsewhere classified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
2  R10.4  abdomen colic / pain abdominal
3  A42.1  Abdominal actinomycosis
5  I71.3  Abdominal aortic aneurysm, ruptured
6  R19.3  Abdominal rigidity
7  H33.0  ablasi dan kerusakan retina
8  H33.2  ablasi retina / cornea
9  O28.1  Abnormal biochemical finding on antenatal screening of mother
11  R19.1  Abnormal bowel sounds
12  R73.0  Abnormal carbohydrate tolerance
13  O28.5  Abnormal chromosomal and genetic finding on antenatal screening of mother
14  O28.2  Abnormal cytological finding on antenatal screening of mother
21  R79.9  Abnormal finding of blood chemistry, unspecified
22  O28.9  Abnormal finding on antenatal screening of mother, unspecified
27  R83.6  Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal cytological findings
28  R83.7  Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal histological findings
29  R83.4  Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal immunological findings
30  R83.0  Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal level of enzymes
31  R83.1  Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal level of hormones
32  R83.2  Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances
33  R83.3  Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source
34  R83.5  Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal microbiological findings
35  R83.8  Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, other abnormal findings
36  R83.9  Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, unspecified abnormal finding
37  R85.6  Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal cytological findings
38  R85.7  Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal histological findings
39  R85.4  Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal immunological findings
40  R85.0  Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal level of enzymes
41  R85.1  Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal level of hormones
42  R85.2  Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances
43  R85.3  Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source
44  R85.5  Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal microbiological findings
45  R85.8  Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, other abnormal findings
46  R85.9  Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, unspecified abnormal finding
47  R87.6  Abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs, abnormal cytological findings
48  R87.7  Abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs, abnormal histological findings
49  R87.4  Abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs, abnormal immunological findings
50  R87.0  Abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs, abnormal level of enzymes
51  R87.1  Abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs, abnormal level of hormones
52  R87.2  Abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs, abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances
53  R87.3  Abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs, abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source
54  R87.5  Abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs, abnormal microbiological findings
55  R87.8  Abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs, other abnormal findings
56  R87.9  Abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs, unspecified abnormal finding
57  R86.6  Abnormal findings in specimens from male genital organs, abnormal cytological findings
58  R86.7  Abnormal findings in specimens from male genital organs, abnormal histological findings
59  R86.4  Abnormal findings in specimens from male genital organs, abnormal immunological findings
60  R86.0  Abnormal findings in specimens from male genital organs, abnormal level of enzymes
61  R86.1  Abnormal findings in specimens from male genital organs, abnormal level of hormones
62  R86.2  Abnormal findings in specimens from male genital organs, abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances
63  R86.3  Abnormal findings in specimens from male genital organs, abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source
64  R86.5  Abnormal findings in specimens from male genital organs, abnormal microbiological findings
65  R86.8  Abnormal findings in specimens from male genital organs, other abnormal findings
66  R86.9  Abnormal findings in specimens from male genital organs, unspecified abnormal finding
67  R89.6  Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, abnormal cytological findings
68  R89.7  Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, abnormal histological findings
69  R89.4  Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, abnormal immunological findings
70  R89.0  Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, abnormal level of enzymes
71  R89.1  Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, abnormal level of hormones
72  R89.2  Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances
73  R89.3  Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source
74  R89.5  Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, abnormal microbiological findings
75  R89.8  Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, other abnormal findings
76  R89.9  Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, unspecified abnormal finding
77  R84.6  Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal cytological findings
78  R84.7  Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal histological findings
79  R84.4  Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal immunological findings
80  R84.0  Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal level of enzymes
81  R84.1  Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal level of hormones
82  R84.2  Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances
83  R84.3  Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source
84  R84.5  Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal microbiological findings
85  R84.8  Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, other abnormal findings
86  R84.9  Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, unspecified abnormal finding
88  R82.8  Abnormal findings on cytological and histological examination of urine
89  R93.1  Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of heart and coronary circulation
90  R93.6  Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of limbs
91  R93.2  Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of liver and biliary tract
92  R93.5  Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other abdominal regions, including retroperitoneum
93  R93.3  Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of digestive tract
94  R93.7  Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system
95  R93.8  Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other specified body structures
96  R93.0  Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of skull and head, not elsewhere classified
97  R93.4  Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of urinary organs
98  R82.7  Abnormal findings on microbiological examination of urine
99  O28.0  Abnormal haematological finding on antenatal screening of mother
100  R25.0  Abnormal head movements
101  R76.9  Abnormal immunological finding in serum, unspecified
103  R79.0  Abnormal level of blood mineral
104  R74.9  Abnormal level of unspecified serum enzyme
105  R74.8  Abnormal levels of other serum enzymes
106  R70.1  Abnormal plasma viscosity
107  R29.3  Abnormal posture
108  O02.9  Abnormal product of conception, unspecified
109  O28.4  Abnormal radiological finding on antenatal screening of mother
110  R76.1  Abnormal reaction to tuberculin test
111  R29.2  Abnormal reflex
113  R94.3  Abnormal results of cardiovascular function studies
114  R94.0  Abnormal results of function studies of central nervous system
115  R94.8  Abnormal results of function studies of other organs and systems
116  R94.1  Abnormal results of function studies of peripheral nervous system and special senses
117  R94.4  Abnormal results of kidney function studies
118  R94.5  Abnormal results of liver function studies
119  R94.7  Abnormal results of other endocrine function studies
120  R94.2  Abnormal results of pulmonary function studies
121  R94.6  Abnormal results of thyroid function studies
122  E16.4  Abnormal secretion of gastrin
124  R09.3  Abnormal sputum
125  O28.3  Abnormal ultrasonic finding on antenatal screening of mother
126  R82.6  Abnormal urine levels of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source
127  N93.8  abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding / DUB / PUD
128  N93.9  Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding, unspecified
129  R63.5  Abnormal weight gain
130  R63.4  Abnormal weight loss
135  K00.2  Abnormalities of size and form of teeth
136  R77.0  Abnormality of albumin
137  R77.2  Abnormality of alphafetoprotein
138  O62.9  Abnormality of forces of labour, unspecified
139  R77.1  Abnormality of globulin
140  R77.9  Abnormality of plasma protein, unspecified
143  T80.3  ABO incompatibility reaction
144  P55.1  ABO isoimmunisation of fetus and newborn
145  O20.0  abortus iminens
146  O08.0  abortus infeksius
147  O06.9  abortus inkomplit
148  O05.0  abortus lainnya
149  O04.0  abortus medik
150  O03.0  abortus spontan
151  K03.1  Abrasion of teeth
153  N75.1  Abscess Bartolin
154  O91.1  Abscess of breast associated with childbirth
155  M71.07  Abscess of bursa, ankle and foot
156  M71.03  Abscess of bursa, forearm
157  M71.04  Abscess of bursa, hand
158  M71.06  Abscess of bursa, lower leg
159  M71.00  Abscess of bursa, multiple sites
160  M71.08  Abscess of bursa, other site
161  M71.05  Abscess of bursa, pelvic region and thigh
162  M71.01  Abscess of bursa, shoulder region
163  M71.09  Abscess of bursa, site unspecified
164  M71.02  Abscess of bursa, upper arm
165  K63.0  Abscess of intestine
167  J85.2  Abscess of lung without pneumonia
168  J85.3  Abscess of mediastinum
169  N41.2  Abscess of prostate
170  K11.3  Abscess of salivary gland
171  D73.3  Abscess of spleen
172  M65.07  Abscess of tendon sheath, ankle and foot
173  M65.03  Abscess of tendon sheath, forearm
174  M65.04  Abscess of tendon sheath, hand
175  M65.06  Abscess of tendon sheath, lower leg
176  M65.00  Abscess of tendon sheath, multiple sites
177  M65.08  Abscess of tendon sheath, other site
178  M65.05  Abscess of tendon sheath, pelvic region and thigh
179  M65.01  Abscess of tendon sheath, shoulder region
180  M65.09  Abscess of tendon sheath, site unspecified
181  M65.02  Abscess of tendon sheath, upper arm
182  E32.1  Abscess of thymus
183  N76.4  Abscess of vulva
184  Q10.4  Absence and agenesis of lacrimal apparatus
185  Q55.0  Absence and aplasia of testis
186  Q16.2  Absence of eustachian tube
187  Z63.3  Absence of family member
188  Q13.1  Absence of iris
189  Q83.2  Absent nipple
191  L02.9  abses ( luka ) dengan demam
192  K65.0  Abses abdominal, abses perut, abses retro pritonial / peritonisis difusi / generalized
193  K35.1  abses apendikular / apendikes
194  J34.0  Abses beplum
195  N73.5  abses cd
196  Q06.0  Abses cerebri
197  L02.1  abses coli
198  Q76.4  abses coxal
199  J86.9  abses dada / abses torax / empyema / pnemu torax
200  N15.1  abses ginjal, renal
201  K75.0  Abses hati / liver / hepar
202  A06.4  Abses hati amoba / lever ambic abses
203  L02.2  abses inguinalis, abses umbilicia / dinding ( abdomen punggung )
204  L02.8  abses kepala / ragio
205  H16.3  abses kornea
206  L02.4  abses lutut kiri / axilla / femur / femoral / curetage skin
207  K10.0  abses mandibula
208  G06.6  abses otak
209  K12.2  abses palatum, abses sub mandibula / lodwing angina
210  H00.0  Abses palpebra / hordeolum multiple
212  L02.3  abses pantat / buttock / glutea
213  J39.0  abses paraparingeal
214  K61.0  abses parienal
215  J85.1  Abses paru
217  L02.0  abses pipi
218  T81.4  abses post operasi / luka operasi infeksi / ILO
219  N70.9  abses turbo ovarial ( ATO )
220  N76.0  abses vagina
222  B60.1  Acanthamoebiasis
223  L11.9  Acantholytic disorder, unspecified
225  Z73.1  Accentuation of personality traits
226  Q17.0  Accessory auricle
227  Q83.1  Accessory breast
228  Q69.0  Accessory finger(s)
229  Q63.0  Accessory kidney
230  Q33.1  Accessory lobe of lung
231  Q83.3  Accessory nipple
232  Q69.1  Accessory thumb(s)
233  Q69.2  Accessory toe(s)
235  V93.59  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, during unspecified activity
236  V93.51  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, while engaged in leisure activity
237  V93.58  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, while engaged in other specified activities
238  V93.53  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, while engaged in other types of work
239  V93.50  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, while engaged in sports activity
240  V93.54  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
241  V93.52  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, while working for an income
242  V93.29  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, during unspecified activity
243  V93.21  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, while engaged in leisure activity
244  V93.28  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, while engaged in other specified activities
245  V93.23  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, while engaged in other types of work
246  V93.20  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, while engaged in sports activity
247  V93.24  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
248  V93.22  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, while working for an income
249  V93.69  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), during unspecified activity
250  V93.61  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while engaged in leisure activity
251  V93.68  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while engaged in other specified activities
252  V93.63  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while engaged in other types of work
253  V93.60  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while engaged in sports activity
254  V93.64  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
255  V93.62  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while working for an income
256  V93.09  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, during unspecified activity
257  V93.01  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, while engaged in leisure activity
258  V93.08  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, while engaged in other specified activities
259  V93.03  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, while engaged in other types of work
260  V93.00  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, while engaged in sports activity
261  V93.04  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
262  V93.02  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, while working for an income
263  V93.39  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, during unspecified activity
264  V93.31  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, while engaged in leisure activity
265  V93.38  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, while engaged in other specified activities
266  V93.33  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, while engaged in other types of work
267  V93.30  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, while engaged in sports activity
268  V93.34  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
269  V93.32  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, while working for an income
270  V93.89  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, during unspecified activity
271  V93.81  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, while engaged in leisure activity
272  V93.88  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, while engaged in other specified activities
273  V93.83  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, while engaged in other types of work
274  V93.80  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, while engaged in sports activity
275  V93.84  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
276  V93.82  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, while working for an income
277  V93.19  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, during unspecified activity
278  V93.11  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, while engaged in leisure activity
279  V93.18  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, while engaged in other specified activities
280  V93.13  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, while engaged in other types of work
281  V93.10  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, while engaged in sports activity
282  V93.14  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
283  V93.12  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, while working for an income
284  V93.49  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, during unspecified activity
285  V93.41  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, while engaged in leisure activity
286  V93.48  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, while engaged in other specified activities
287  V93.43  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, while engaged in other types of work
288  V93.40  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, while engaged in sports activity
289  V93.44  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
290  V93.42  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, while working for an income
291  V93.99  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, during unspecified activity
292  V93.91  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, while engaged in leisure activity
293  V93.98  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, while engaged in other specified activities
294  V93.93  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, while engaged in other types of work
295  V93.90  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, while engaged in sports activity
296  V93.94  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
297  V93.92  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, while working for an income
298  V93.79  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, during unspecified activity
299  V93.71  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, while engaged in leisure activity
300  V93.78  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, while engaged in other specified activities
301  V93.73  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, while engaged in other types of work
302  V93.70  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, while engaged in sports activity
303  V93.74  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
304  V93.72  Accident on board watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, while working for an income
306  V95.39  Accident to commercial fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, during unspecified activity
307  V95.31  Accident to commercial fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, while engaged in leisure activity
308  V95.38  Accident to commercial fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, while engaged in other specified activities
309  V95.33  Accident to commercial fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, while engaged in other types of work
310  V95.30  Accident to commercial fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, while engaged in sports activity
311  V95.34  Accident to commercial fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
312  V95.32  Accident to commercial fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, while working for an income
314  V95.29  Accident to other private fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, during unspecified activity
315  V95.21  Accident to other private fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, while engaged in leisure activity
316  V95.28  Accident to other private fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, while engaged in other specified activities
317  V95.23  Accident to other private fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, while engaged in other types of work
318  V95.20  Accident to other private fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, while engaged in sports activity
319  V95.24  Accident to other private fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
320  V95.22  Accident to other private fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant, while working for an income
322  V90.59  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, during unspecified activity
323  V90.51  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, while engaged in leisure activity
324  V90.58  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, while engaged in other specified activities
325  V90.53  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, while engaged in other types of work
326  V90.50  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, while engaged in sports activity
327  V90.54  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
328  V90.52  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak, while working for an income
329  V90.29  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, during unspecified activity
330  V90.21  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, while engaged in leisure activity
331  V90.28  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, while engaged in other specified activities
332  V90.23  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, while engaged in other types of work
333  V90.20  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, while engaged in sports activity
334  V90.24  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
335  V90.22  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat, while working for an income
336  V90.69  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), during unspecified activity
337  V90.61  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while engaged in leisure activity
338  V90.68  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while engaged in other specified activities
339  V90.63  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while engaged in other types of work
340  V90.60  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while engaged in sports activity
341  V90.64  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
342  V90.62  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while working for an income
343  V90.09  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, during unspecified activity
344  V90.01  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, while engaged in leisure activity
345  V90.08  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, while engaged in other specified activities
346  V90.03  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, while engaged in other types of work
347  V90.04  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
348  V90.02  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship, while working for an income
349  V90.39  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, during unspecified activity
350  V90.31  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, while engaged in leisure activity
351  V90.38  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, while engaged in other specified activities
352  V90.33  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, while engaged in other types of work
353  V90.30  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, while engaged in sports activity
354  V90.34  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
355  V90.32  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft, while working for an income
356  V90.89  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, during unspecified activity
357  V90.81  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, while engaged in leisure activity
358  V90.88  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, while engaged in other specified activities
359  V90.83  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, while engaged in other types of work
360  V90.80  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, while engaged in sports activity
361  V90.84  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
362  V90.82  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft, while working for an income
363  V90.19  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, during unspecified activity
364  V90.11  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, while engaged in leisure activity
365  V90.18  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, while engaged in other specified activities
366  V90.13  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, while engaged in other types of work
367  V90.10  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, while engaged in sports activity
368  V90.14  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
369  V90.12  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship, while working for an income
370  V90.49  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, during unspecified activity
371  V90.41  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, while engaged in leisure activity
372  V90.48  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, while engaged in other specified activities
373  V90.43  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, while engaged in other types of work
374  V90.40  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, while engaged in sports activity
375  V90.44  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
376  V90.42  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, sailboat, while working for an income
377  V90.99  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, during unspecified activity
378  V90.91  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, while engaged in leisure activity
379  V90.98  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, while engaged in other specified activities
380  V90.93  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, while engaged in other types of work
381  V90.90  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, while engaged in sports activity
382  V90.94  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
383  V90.92  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft, while working for an income
384  V90.79  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, during unspecified activity
385  V90.71  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, while engaged in leisure activity
386  V90.78  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, while engaged in other specified activities
387  V90.73  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, while engaged in other types of work
388  V90.70  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, while engaged in sports activity
389  V90.74  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
390  V90.72  Accident to watercraft causing drowning and submersion, water-skis, while working for an income
391  V91.59  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, canoe or kayak, during unspecified activity
392  V91.51  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, canoe or kayak, while engaged in leisure activity
393  V91.58  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, canoe or kayak, while engaged in other specified activities
394  V91.53  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, canoe or kayak, while engaged in other types of work
395  V91.50  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, canoe or kayak, while engaged in sports activity
396  V91.54  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, canoe or kayak, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
397  V91.52  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, canoe or kayak, while working for an income
398  V91.29  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, fishing boat, during unspecified activity
399  V91.21  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, fishing boat, while engaged in leisure activity
400  V91.28  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, fishing boat, while engaged in other specified activities
401  V91.23  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, fishing boat, while engaged in other types of work
402  V91.20  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, fishing boat, while engaged in sports activity
403  V91.24  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, fishing boat, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
404  V91.22  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, fishing boat, while working for an income
405  V91.69  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, inflatable craft (nonpowered), during unspecified activity
406  V91.61  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while engaged in leisure activity
407  V91.68  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while engaged in other specified activities
408  V91.63  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while engaged in other types of work
409  V91.60  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while engaged in sports activity
410  V91.64  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
411  V91.62  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, inflatable craft (nonpowered), while working for an income
412  V91.09  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, merchant ship, during unspecified activity
413  V91.01  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, merchant ship, while engaged in leisure activity
414  V91.08  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, merchant ship, while engaged in other specified activities
415  V91.03  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, merchant ship, while engaged in other types of work
416  V91.00  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, merchant ship, while engaged in sports activity
417  V91.04  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, merchant ship, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
418  V91.02  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, merchant ship, while working for an income
419  V91.39  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other powered watercraft, during unspecified activity
420  V91.31  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other powered watercraft, while engaged in leisure activity
421  V91.38  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other powered watercraft, while engaged in other specified activities
422  V91.33  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other powered watercraft, while engaged in other types of work
423  V91.30  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other powered watercraft, while engaged in sports activity
424  V91.34  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other powered watercraft, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
425  V91.32  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other powered watercraft, while working for an income
426  V91.89  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other unpowered watercraft, during unspecified activity
427  V91.81  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other unpowered watercraft, while engaged in leisure activity
428  V91.88  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other unpowered watercraft, while engaged in other specified activities
429  V91.83  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other unpowered watercraft, while engaged in other types of work
430  V91.80  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other unpowered watercraft, while engaged in sports activity
431  V91.84  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other unpowered watercraft, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
432  V91.82  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other unpowered watercraft, while working for an income
433  V91.19  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, passenger ship, during unspecified activity
434  V91.11  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, passenger ship, while engaged in leisure activity
435  V91.18  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, passenger ship, while engaged in other specified activities
436  V91.13  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, passenger ship, while engaged in other types of work
437  V91.10  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, passenger ship, while engaged in sports activity
438  V91.14  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, passenger ship, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
439  V91.12  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, passenger ship, while working for an income
440  V91.49  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, sailboat, during unspecified activity
441  V91.41  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, sailboat, while engaged in leisure activity
442  V91.48  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, sailboat, while engaged in other specified activities
443  V91.43  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, sailboat, while engaged in other types of work
444  V91.40  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, sailboat, while engaged in sports activity
445  V91.44  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, sailboat, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
446  V91.42  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, sailboat, while working for an income
447  V91.99  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, unspecified watercraft, during unspecified activity
448  V91.91  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, unspecified watercraft, while engaged in leisure activity
449  V91.98  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, unspecified watercraft, while engaged in other specified activities
450  V91.93  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, unspecified watercraft, while engaged in other types of work
451  V91.90  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, unspecified watercraft, while engaged in sports activity
452  V91.94  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, unspecified watercraft, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
453  V91.92  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, unspecified watercraft, while working for an income
454  V91.79  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, water-skis, during unspecified activity
455  V91.71  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, water-skis, while engaged in leisure activity
456  V91.78  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, water-skis, while engaged in other specified activities
457  V91.73  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, water-skis, while engaged in other types of work
458  V91.70  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, water-skis, while engaged in sports activity
459  V91.74  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, water-skis, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
460  V91.72  Accident to watercraft causing other injury, water-skis, while working for an income
466  X45.79  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, farm, during unspecified activity
467  X45.71  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
468  X45.78  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
469  X45.73  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, farm, while engaged in other types of work
470  X45.70  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, farm, while engaged in sports activity
471  X45.74  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
472  X45.72  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, farm, while working for an income
473  X45.09  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, home, during unspecified activity
474  X45.01  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, home, while engaged in leisure activity
475  X45.08  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, home, while engaged in other specified activities
476  X45.03  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, home, while engaged in other types of work
477  X45.00  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, home, while engaged in sports activity
478  X45.04  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
479  X45.02  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, home, while working for an income
480  X45.69  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
481  X45.61  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
482  X45.68  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
483  X45.63  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
484  X45.60  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
485  X45.64  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
486  X45.62  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
487  X45.89  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, other specified places, during unspecified activity
488  X45.81  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
489  X45.88  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
490  X45.83  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
491  X45.80  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
492  X45.84  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
493  X45.82  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, other specified places, while working for an income
494  X45.19  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, residential institution, during unspecified activity
495  X45.11  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
496  X45.18  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
497  X45.13  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
498  X45.10  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
499  X45.14  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
500  X45.12  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, residential institution, while working for an income
501  X45.29  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
502  X45.21  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
503  X45.28  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
504  X45.23  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
505  X45.20  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
506  X45.24  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
507  X45.22  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
508  X45.39  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
509  X45.31  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
510  X45.38  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
511  X45.33  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
512  X45.30  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
513  X45.34  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
514  X45.32  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
515  X45.49  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, street and highway, during unspecified activity
516  X45.41  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
517  X45.48  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
518  X45.43  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
519  X45.40  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
520  X45.44  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
521  X45.42  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, street and highway, while working for an income
522  X45.59  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
523  X45.51  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
524  X45.58  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
525  X45.53  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
526  X45.50  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
527  X45.54  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
528  X45.52  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, trade and service area, while working for an income
529  X45.99  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
530  X45.91  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
531  X45.98  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
532  X45.93  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
533  X45.90  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
534  X45.94  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
535  X45.92  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, unspecified place, while working for an income
536  X41.79  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, farm, during unspecified activity
537  X41.71  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
538  X41.78  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
539  X41.73  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, farm, while engaged in other types of work
540  X41.70  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, farm, while engaged in sports activity
541  X41.74  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
542  X41.72  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, farm, while working for an income
543  X41.09  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, home, during unspecified activity
544  X41.01  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, home, while engaged in leisure activity
545  X41.08  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, home, while engaged in other specified activities
546  X41.03  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, home, while engaged in other types of work
547  X41.00  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, home, while engaged in sports activity
548  X41.04  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
549  X41.02  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, home, while working for an income
550  X41.69  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
551  X41.61  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
552  X41.68  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
553  X41.63  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
554  X41.60  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
555  X41.64  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
556  X41.62  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
557  X41.89  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, during unspecified activity
558  X41.81  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
559  X41.88  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
560  X41.83  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
561  X41.80  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
562  X41.84  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
563  X41.82  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while working for an income
564  X41.19  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, during unspecified activity
565  X41.11  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
566  X41.18  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
567  X41.13  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
568  X41.10  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
569  X41.14  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
570  X41.12  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while working for an income
571  X41.29  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
572  X41.21  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
573  X41.28  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
574  X41.23  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
575  X41.20  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
576  X41.24  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vit
577  X41.22  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
578  X41.39  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
579  X41.31  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
580  X41.38  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
581  X41.33  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
582  X41.30  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
583  X41.34  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
584  X41.32  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
585  X41.49  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, during unspecified activity
586  X41.41  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
587  X41.48  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
588  X41.43  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
589  X41.40  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
590  X41.44  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
591  X41.42  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while working for an income
592  X41.59  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
593  X41.51  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
594  X41.58  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
595  X41.53  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
596  X41.50  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
597  X41.54  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
598  X41.52  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while working for an income
599  X41.99  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
600  X41.91  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
601  X41.98  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
602  X41.93  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
603  X41.90  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
604  X41.94  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
605  X41.92  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while working for an income
606  X42.79  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, farm, during unspecified activity
607  X42.71  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
608  X42.78  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
609  X42.73  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, farm, while engaged in other types of work
610  X42.70  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, farm, while engaged in sports activity
611  X42.74  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
612  X42.72  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, farm, while working for an income
613  X42.09  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, home, during unspecified activity
614  X42.01  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, home, while engaged in leisure activity
615  X42.08  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, home, while engaged in other specified activities
616  X42.03  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, home, while engaged in other types of work
617  X42.00  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, home, while engaged in sports activity
618  X42.04  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
619  X42.02  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, home, while working for an income
620  X42.69  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
621  X42.61  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
622  X42.68  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
623  X42.63  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
624  X42.60  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
625  X42.64  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
626  X42.62  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
627  X42.89  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, other specified places, during unspecified activity
628  X42.81  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
629  X42.88  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
630  X42.83  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
631  X42.80  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
632  X42.84  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
633  X42.82  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, other specified places, while working for an income
634  X42.19  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, residential institution, during unspecified activity
635  X42.11  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
636  X42.18  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
637  X42.13  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
638  X42.10  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
639  X42.14  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
640  X42.12  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, residential institution, while working for an income
641  X42.29  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
642  X42.21  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
643  X42.28  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
644  X42.23  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
645  X42.20  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
646  X42.24  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
647  X42.22  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
648  X42.39  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
649  X42.31  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
650  X42.38  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
651  X42.33  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
652  X42.30  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
653  X42.34  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
654  X42.32  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
655  X42.49  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, street and highway, during unspecified activity
656  X42.41  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
657  X42.48  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
658  X42.43  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
659  X42.40  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
660  X42.44  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
661  X42.42  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, street and highway, while working for an income
662  X42.59  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
663  X42.51  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
664  X42.58  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
665  X42.53  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
666  X42.50  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
667  X42.54  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
668  X42.52  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, trade and service area, while working for an income
669  X42.99  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
670  X42.91  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
671  X42.98  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
672  X42.93  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
673  X42.90  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
674  X42.94  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
675  X42.92  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified, unspecified place, while working for an income
676  X40.79  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, farm, during unspecified activity
677  X40.71  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
678  X40.78  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
679  X40.73  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, farm, while engaged in other types of work
680  X40.70  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, farm, while engaged in sports activity
681  X40.74  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
682  X40.72  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, farm, while working for an income
683  X40.09  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, home, during unspecified activity
684  X40.01  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, home, while engaged in leisure activity
685  X40.08  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, home, while engaged in other specified activities
686  X40.03  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, home, while engaged in other types of work
687  X40.00  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, home, while engaged in sports activity
688  X40.04  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
689  X40.02  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, home, while working for an income
690  X40.69  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
691  X40.61  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
692  X40.68  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
693  X40.63  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
694  X40.60  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
695  X40.64  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
696  X40.62  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
697  X40.89  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, other specified places, during unspecified activity
698  X40.81  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
699  X40.88  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
700  X40.83  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
701  X40.80  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
702  X40.84  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
703  X40.82  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, other specified places, while working for an income
704  X40.19  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, residential institution, during unspecified activity
705  X40.11  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
706  X40.18  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
707  X40.13  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
708  X40.10  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
709  X40.14  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
710  X40.12  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, residential institution, while working for an income
711  X40.29  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
712  X40.21  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
713  X40.28  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
714  X40.23  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
715  X40.20  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
716  X40.24  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
717  X40.22  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
718  X40.39  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
719  X40.31  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
720  X40.38  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
721  X40.33  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
722  X40.30  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
723  X40.34  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
724  X40.32  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
725  X40.49  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, street and highway, during unspecified activity
726  X40.41  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
727  X40.48  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
728  X40.43  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
729  X40.40  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
730  X40.44  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
731  X40.42  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, street and highway, while working for an income
732  X40.59  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
733  X40.51  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
734  X40.58  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
735  X40.53  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
736  X40.50  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
737  X40.54  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
738  X40.52  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, trade and service area, while working for an income
739  X40.99  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
740  X40.91  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
741  X40.98  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
742  X40.93  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
743  X40.90  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
744  X40.94  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
745  X40.92  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics, unspecified place, while working for an income
746  X46.79  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, farm, during unspecified activity
747  X46.71  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
748  X46.78  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
749  X46.73  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, farm, while engaged in other types of work
750  X46.70  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, farm, while engaged in sports activity
751  X46.74  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
752  X46.72  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, farm, while working for an income
753  X46.09  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, home, during unspecified activity
754  X46.01  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, home, while engaged in leisure activity
755  X46.08  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, home, while engaged in other specified activities
756  X46.03  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, home, while engaged in other types of work
757  X46.04  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
758  X46.02  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, home, while working for an income
759  X46.69  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
760  X46.61  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
761  X46.68  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
762  X46.63  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
763  X46.60  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
764  X46.64  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
765  X46.62  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
766  X46.89  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, other specified places, during unspecified activity
767  X46.81  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
768  X46.88  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
769  X46.83  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
770  X46.80  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
771  X46.84  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
772  X46.82  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, other specified places, while working for an income
773  X46.19  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, residential institution, during unspecified activity
774  X46.11  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
775  X46.18  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
776  X46.13  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
777  X46.10  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
778  X46.14  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
779  X46.12  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, residential institution, while working for an income
780  X46.29  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
781  X46.21  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
782  X46.28  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
783  X46.23  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
784  X46.20  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
785  X46.24  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
786  X46.22  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
787  X46.39  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
788  X46.31  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
789  X46.38  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
790  X46.33  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
791  X46.30  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
792  X46.34  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
793  X46.32  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
794  X46.49  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, street and highway, during unspecified activity
795  X46.41  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
796  X46.48  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
797  X46.43  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
798  X46.40  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
799  X46.44  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
800  X46.42  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, street and highway, while working for an income
801  X46.59  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
802  X46.51  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
803  X46.58  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
804  X46.53  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
805  X46.50  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
806  X46.54  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
807  X46.52  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, trade and service area, while working for an income
808  X46.99  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
809  X46.91  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
810  X46.98  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
811  X46.93  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
812  X46.90  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
813  X46.94  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
814  X46.92  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours, unspecified place, while working for an income
815  X49.79  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, during unspecified activity
816  X49.71  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
817  X49.78  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
818  X49.73  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, while engaged in other types of work
819  X49.70  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, while engaged in sports activity
820  X49.74  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
821  X49.72  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, while working for an income
822  X49.09  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, home, during unspecified activity
823  X49.01  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, home, while engaged in leisure activity
824  X49.08  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, home, while engaged in other specified activities
825  X49.03  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, home, while engaged in other types of work
826  X49.04  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
827  X49.02  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, home, while working for an income
828  X49.69  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
829  X49.61  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
830  X49.68  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
831  X49.63  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
832  X49.60  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
833  X49.64  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
834  X49.62  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
835  X49.89  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, during unspecified activity
836  X49.81  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
837  X49.88  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
838  X49.83  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
839  X49.80  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
840  X49.84  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
841  X49.82  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, while working for an income
842  X49.19  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, during unspecified activity
843  X49.11  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
844  X49.18  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
845  X49.13  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
846  X49.10  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
847  X49.14  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
848  X49.12  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, while working for an income
849  X49.29  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
850  X49.21  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
851  X49.28  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
852  X49.23  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
853  X49.20  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
854  X49.24  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
855  X49.22  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
856  X49.39  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
857  X49.31  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
858  X49.38  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
859  X49.33  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
860  X49.30  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
861  X49.34  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
862  X49.32  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
863  X49.49  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, during unspecified activity
864  X49.41  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
865  X49.48  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
866  X49.43  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
867  X49.40  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
868  X49.44  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
869  X49.42  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, while working for an income
870  X49.59  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
871  X49.51  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
872  X49.58  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
873  X49.53  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
874  X49.50  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
875  X49.54  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
876  X49.52  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, while working for an income
877  X49.99  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
878  X49.91  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
879  X49.98  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
880  X49.93  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
881  X49.90  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
882  X49.94  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
883  X49.92  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, while working for an income
884  X44.79  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, during unspecified activity
885  X44.71  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
886  X44.78  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
887  X44.73  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, while engaged in other types of work
888  X44.70  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, while engaged in sports activity
889  X44.74  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
890  X44.72  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, while working for an income
891  X44.09  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, during unspecified activity
892  X44.01  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, while engaged in leisure activity
893  X44.08  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, while engaged in other specified activities
894  X44.03  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, while engaged in other types of work
895  X44.04  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
896  X44.02  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, while working for an income
897  X44.69  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
898  X44.61  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
899  X44.68  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
900  X44.63  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
901  X44.60  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
902  X44.64  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
903  X44.62  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
904  X44.89  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, during unspecified activity
905  X44.81  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
906  X44.88  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
907  X44.83  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
908  X44.80  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
909  X44.84  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
910  X44.82  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, while working for an income
911  X44.19  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, during unspecified activity
912  X44.11  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
913  X44.18  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
914  X44.13  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
915  X44.10  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
916  X44.14  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
917  X44.12  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, while working for an income
918  X44.29  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
919  X44.21  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
920  X44.28  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
921  X44.23  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
922  X44.20  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
923  X44.24  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
924  X44.22  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
925  X44.39  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
926  X44.31  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
927  X44.38  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
928  X44.33  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
929  X44.30  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
930  X44.34  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
931  X44.32  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
932  X44.49  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, during unspecified activity
933  X44.41  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
934  X44.48  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
935  X44.43  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
936  X44.40  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
937  X44.44  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
938  X44.42  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, while working for an income
939  X44.59  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
940  X44.51  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
941  X44.58  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
942  X44.53  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
943  X44.50  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
944  X44.54  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
945  X44.52  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, while working for an income
946  X44.99  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
947  X44.91  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
948  X44.98  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
949  X44.93  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
950  X44.90  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
951  X44.94  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
952  X44.92  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, while working for an income
953  X43.79  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, farm, during unspecified activity
954  X43.71  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
955  X43.78  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
956  X43.73  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, farm, while engaged in other types of work
957  X43.70  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, farm, while engaged in sports activity
958  X43.74  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
959  X43.72  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, farm, while working for an income
960  X43.09  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, home, during unspecified activity
961  X43.01  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, home, while engaged in leisure activity
962  X43.08  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, home, while engaged in other specified activities
963  X43.03  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, home, while engaged in other types of work
964  X43.00  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, home, while engaged in sports activity
965  X43.04  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
966  X43.02  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, home, while working for an income
967  X43.69  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
968  X43.61  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
969  X43.68  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
970  X43.63  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
971  X43.60  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
972  X43.64  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
973  X43.62  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
974  X43.89  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, other specified places, during unspecified activity
975  X43.81  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
976  X43.88  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
977  X43.83  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
978  X43.80  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
979  X43.84  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
980  X43.82  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, other specified places, while working for an income
981  X43.19  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, residential institution, during unspecified activity
982  X43.11  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
983  X43.18  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
984  X43.13  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
985  X43.10  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
986  X43.14  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
987  X43.12  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, residential institution, while working for an income
988  X43.29  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
989  X43.21  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
990  X43.28  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
991  X43.23  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
992  X43.20  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
993  X43.24  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
994  X43.22  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
995  X43.39  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
996  X43.31  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
997  X43.38  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
998  X43.33  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
999  X43.30  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
1000  X43.34  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1001  X43.32  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
1002  X43.49  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, street and highway, during unspecified activity
1003  X43.41  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
1004  X43.48  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
1005  X43.43  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
1006  X43.40  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
1007  X43.44  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1008  X43.42  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, street and highway, while working for an income
1009  X43.59  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
1010  X43.51  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
1011  X43.58  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
1012  X43.53  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
1013  X43.50  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
1014  X43.54  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1015  X43.52  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, trade and service area, while working for an income
1016  X43.99  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
1017  X43.91  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
1018  X43.98  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
1019  X43.93  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
1020  X43.90  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
1021  X43.94  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1022  X43.92  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system, unspecified place, while working for an income
1023  X47.79  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, farm, during unspecified activity
1024  X47.71  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
1025  X47.78  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
1026  X47.73  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, farm, while engaged in other types of work
1027  X47.70  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, farm, while engaged in sports activity
1028  X47.74  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1029  X47.72  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, farm, while working for an income
1030  X47.09  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, home, during unspecified activity
1031  X47.01  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, home, while engaged in leisure activity
1032  X47.08  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, home, while engaged in other specified activities
1033  X47.03  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, home, while engaged in other types of work
1034  X47.00  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, home, while engaged in sports activity
1035  X47.04  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1036  X47.02  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, home, while working for an income
1037  X47.69  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
1038  X47.61  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
1039  X47.68  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
1040  X47.63  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
1041  X47.60  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
1042  X47.64  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1043  X47.62  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
1044  X47.89  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, other specified places, during unspecified activity
1045  X47.81  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
1046  X47.88  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
1047  X47.83  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
1048  X47.80  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
1049  X47.84  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1050  X47.82  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, other specified places, while working for an income
1051  X47.19  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, residential institution, during unspecified activity
1052  X47.11  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
1053  X47.18  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
1054  X47.13  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
1055  X47.10  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
1056  X47.14  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1057  X47.12  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, residential institution, while working for an income
1058  X47.29  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
1059  X47.21  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
1060  X47.28  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
1061  X47.23  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
1062  X47.20  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
1063  X47.24  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1064  X47.22  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
1065  X47.39  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
1066  X47.31  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
1067  X47.38  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
1068  X47.33  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
1069  X47.30  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
1070  X47.34  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1071  X47.32  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
1072  X47.49  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, street and highway, during unspecified activity
1073  X47.41  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
1074  X47.48  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
1075  X47.43  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
1076  X47.40  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
1077  X47.44  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1078  X47.42  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, street and highway, while working for an income
1079  X47.59  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
1080  X47.51  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
1081  X47.58  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
1082  X47.53  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
1083  X47.50  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
1084  X47.54  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1085  X47.52  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, trade and service area, while working for an income
1086  X47.99  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
1087  X47.91  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
1088  X47.98  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
1089  X47.93  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
1090  X47.90  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
1091  X47.94  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1092  X47.92  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours, unspecified place, while working for an income
1093  X48.79  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, farm, during unspecified activity
1094  X48.71  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
1095  X48.78  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
1096  X48.73  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, farm, while engaged in other types of work
1097  X48.70  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, farm, while engaged in sports activity
1098  X48.74  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1099  X48.72  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, farm, while working for an income
1100  X48.09  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, home, during unspecified activity
1101  X48.01  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, home, while engaged in leisure activity
1102  X48.08  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, home, while engaged in other specified activities
1103  X48.03  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, home, while engaged in other types of work
1104  X48.04  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1105  X48.02  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, home, while working for an income
1106  X48.69  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
1107  X48.61  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
1108  X48.68  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
1109  X48.63  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
1110  X48.60  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
1111  X48.64  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1112  X48.62  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
1113  X48.89  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, other specified places, during unspecified activity
1114  X48.81  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
1115  X48.88  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
1116  X48.83  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
1117  X48.80  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
1118  X48.84  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1119  X48.82  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, other specified places, while working for an income
1120  X48.19  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, residential institution, during unspecified activity
1121  X48.11  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
1122  X48.18  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
1123  X48.13  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
1124  X48.10  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
1125  X48.14  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1126  X48.12  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, residential institution, while working for an income
1127  X48.29  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
1128  X48.21  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
1129  X48.28  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
1130  X48.23  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
1131  X48.20  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
1132  X48.24  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1133  X48.22  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
1134  X48.39  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
1135  X48.31  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
1136  X48.38  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
1137  X48.33  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
1138  X48.30  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
1139  X48.34  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1140  X48.32  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
1141  X48.49  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, street and highway, during unspecified activity
1142  X48.41  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
1143  X48.48  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
1144  X48.43  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
1145  X48.40  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
1146  X48.44  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1147  X48.42  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, street and highway, while working for an income
1148  X48.59  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
1149  X48.51  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
1150  X48.58  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
1151  X48.53  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
1152  X48.50  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
1153  X48.54  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1154  X48.52  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, trade and service area, while working for an income
1155  X48.99  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
1156  X48.91  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
1157  X48.98  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
1158  X48.93  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
1159  X48.90  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
1160  X48.94  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1161  X48.92  Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, unspecified place, while working for an income
1162  T81.2  Accidental puncture and laceration during a procedure, not elsewhere classified
1163  W75.79  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, farm, during unspecified activity
1164  W75.71  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
1165  W75.78  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
1166  W75.73  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, farm, while engaged in other types of work
1167  W75.70  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, farm, while engaged in sports activity
1168  W75.74  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1169  W75.72  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, farm, while working for an income
1170  W75.09  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, home, during unspecified activity
1171  W75.01  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, home, while engaged in leisure activity
1172  W75.08  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, home, while engaged in other specified activities
1173  W75.03  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, home, while engaged in other types of work
1174  W75.00  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, home, while engaged in sports activity
1175  W75.04  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1176  W75.02  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, home, while working for an income
1177  W75.69  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
1178  W75.61  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
1179  W75.68  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
1180  W75.63  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
1181  W75.60  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
1182  W75.64  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1183  W75.62  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
1184  W75.89  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, other specified places, during unspecified activity
1185  W75.81  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
1186  W75.88  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
1187  W75.83  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
1188  W75.80  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
1189  W75.84  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1190  W75.82  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, other specified places, while working for an income
1191  W75.19  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, residential institution, during unspecified activity
1192  W75.11  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
1193  W75.18  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
1194  W75.13  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
1195  W75.10  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
1196  W75.14  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1197  W75.12  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, residential institution, while working for an income
1198  W75.29  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
1199  W75.21  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
1200  W75.28  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
1201  W75.23  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
1202  W75.20  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
1203  W75.24  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1204  W75.22  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
1205  W75.39  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
1206  W75.31  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
1207  W75.38  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
1208  W75.33  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
1209  W75.30  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
1210  W75.34  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1211  W75.32  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
1212  W75.49  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, street and highway, during unspecified activity
1213  W75.41  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
1214  W75.48  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
1215  W75.43  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
1216  W75.40  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
1217  W75.44  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1218  W75.42  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, street and highway, while working for an income
1219  W75.59  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
1220  W75.51  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
1221  W75.58  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
1222  W75.53  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
1223  W75.50  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
1224  W75.54  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1225  W75.52  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, trade and service area, while working for an income
1226  W75.99  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
1227  W75.91  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
1228  W75.98  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
1229  W75.93  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
1230  W75.90  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
1231  W75.94  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
1232  W75.92  Accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, unspecified place, while working for an income
1233  Z60.3  Acculturation difficulty
1234  R82.4  Acetonuria
1235  K22.2  achalasia cardia / esopagus
1236  K22.0  Achalasia of cardia
1237  Q39.5  achelasia congenital
1238  Q40.0  achelasia pylorus
1239  M76.6  Achilles tendinitis
1240  Q77.0  Achondrogenesis
1241  Q77.4  Achondroplasia
1243  Y43.5  Acidifying and alkalising agents causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1244  E87.2  Acidosis
1245  L70  ACNE
1246  L70.1  Acne conglobata
1247  L73.0  Acne keloid
1248  L70.3  Acne tropica
1249  L70.2  Acne varioliformis
1250  L70.9  Acne, unspecified
1251  L70.5  AcnT excoriTe des jeunes filles
1252  H94.0  Acoustic neuritis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
1253  Z89.7  Acquired absence of both lower limbs [any level, except toes alone]
1254  Z89.3  Acquired absence of both upper limbs [any level]
1255  Z90.1  Acquired absence of breast(s)
1256  Z89.0  Acquired absence of finger(s) [including thumb], unilateral
1257  Z89.4  Acquired absence of foot and ankle
1258  Z89.1  Acquired absence of hand and wrist
1259  Z90.5  Acquired absence of kidney
1260  Z89.6  Acquired absence of leg above knee
1261  Z89.5  Acquired absence of leg at or below knee
1262  Z89.9  Acquired absence of limb, unspecified
1263  Z90.2  Acquired absence of lung [part of]
1265  Z90.8  Acquired absence of other organs
1266  Z90.6  Acquired absence of other organs of urinary tract
1267  Z90.4  Acquired absence of other parts of digestive tract
1268  Z90.0  Acquired absence of part of head and neck
1269  Z90.3  Acquired absence of part of stomach
1270  Z89.8  Acquired absence of upper and lower limbs [any level]
1271  Z89.2  Acquired absence of upper limb above wrist
1273  F80.3  Acquired aphasia with epilepsy [Landau-Kleffner]
1274  N83.3  Acquired atrophy of ovary and fallopian tube
1275  M21.57  Acquired clawhand, clubhand, clawfoot and clubfoot, ankle and foot
1276  M21.54  Acquired clawhand, clubhand, clawfoot and clubfoot, hand
1277  M21.50  Acquired clawhand, clubhand, clawfoot and clubfoot, multiple sites
1278  D68.4  Acquired coagulation factor deficiency
1280  M95.4  Acquired deformity of chest and rib
1281  M21.97  Acquired deformity of limb, unspecified, ankle and foot
1282  M21.93  Acquired deformity of limb, unspecified, forearm
1283  M21.94  Acquired deformity of limb, unspecified, hand
1284  M21.96  Acquired deformity of limb, unspecified, lower leg
1285  M21.90  Acquired deformity of limb, unspecified, multiple sites
1286  M21.98  Acquired deformity of limb, unspecified, other site
1287  M21.95  Acquired deformity of limb, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh
1288  M21.91  Acquired deformity of limb, unspecified, shoulder region
1289  M21.99  Acquired deformity of limb, unspecified, site unspecified
1290  M21.92  Acquired deformity of limb, unspecified, upper arm
1291  M95.9  Acquired deformity of musculoskeletal system, unspecified
1292  M95.3  Acquired deformity of neck
1293  M95.0  Acquired deformity of nose
1294  M95.5  Acquired deformity of pelvis
1295  M20.6  Acquired deformity of toe(s), unspecified
1296  L12.3  Acquired epidermolysis bullosa
1298  D59.9  Acquired haemolytic anaemia, unspecified
1299  L68.1  Acquired hypertrichosis lanuginosa
1300  L85.0  Acquired ichthyosis
1301  L11.0  Acquired keratosis follicularis
1302  L85.1  Acquired keratosis [keratoderma] palmaris et plantaris
1303  P91.1  Acquired periventricular cysts of newborn
1305  D60.9  Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified
1306  H61.3  Acquired stenosis of external ear canal
1307  L90.4  Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans
1308  L40.2  Acrodermatitis continua
1309  E22.0  Acromegaly and pituitary gigantism
1310  L57.5  Actinic granuloma
1311  L57.0  Actinic keratosis
1312  L57.1  Actinic reticuloid
1313  B47.1  Actinomycetoma
1315  A42.9  Actinomycosis, unspecified
1316  A42.7  Actinomycotic septicaemia
1317  A71.1  Active stage of trachoma
1318  K35.9  Acut apendicitis
1319  J21.9  Acut bronciolitis
1320  J20.9  Acut broncitis
1321  K81.0  Acut cholicystitis
1322  K29.1  acut gastritis
1323  J80  Acut respiratory distress syndrom
1325  B17.1  Acute / kronis hepatitis C
1326  R10.0  Acute abdomen
1327  K60.0  Acute anal fissure
1328  A24.1  Acute and fulminating melioidosis
1329  G36.1  Acute and subacute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis [Hurst]
1330  I33.0  Acute and subacute infective endocarditis
1331  H20.0  Acute and subacute iridocyclitis
1332  F23.9  Acute and transient psychotic disorder, unspecified
1333  H04.3  Acute and unspecified inflammation of lacrimal passages
1334  K04.4  Acute apical periodontitis of pulpal origin
1336  H10.1  Acute atopic conjunctivitis
1337  J21.8  Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms
1338  J21.0  Acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus
1340  J20.3  Acute bronchitis due to coxsackievirus
1341  J20.7  Acute bronchitis due to echovirus
1342  J20.1  Acute bronchitis due to Haemophilus influenzae
1343  J20.0  Acute bronchitis due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
1344  J20.8  Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms
1345  J20.4  Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus
1346  J20.5  Acute bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial virus
1347  J20.6  Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus
1348  J20.2  Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus
1349  B57.0  Acute Chagas disease with heart involvement (I41.2*, I98.1*)
1350  B57.1  Acute Chagas disease without heart involvement
1351  H10.3  Acute conjunctivitis, unspecified
1352  N30.0  Acute cystitis
1353  K31.0  Acute dilatation of stomach
1354  G36.9  Acute disseminated demyelination, unspecified
1355  G04.0  Acute disseminated encephalitis
1356  J70.2  Acute drug-induced interstitial lung disorders
1357  I33.9  Acute endocarditis, unspecified
1358  B30.3  Acute epidemic haemorrhagic conjunctivitis (enteroviral) (H13.1*)
1359  J05.1  Acute epiglotitis
1360  C94.0  Acute erythraemia and erythroleukaemia
1361  J01.2  Acute ethmoidal sinusitis
1362  J01.1  Acute frontal sinusitis
1363  A08.1  Acute gastroenteropathy due to Norwalk agent
1364  K05.0  Acute gingivitis
1365  M86.07  Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, ankle and foot
1366  M86.03  Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, forearm
1367  M86.04  Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, hand
1368  M86.06  Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, lower leg
1369  M86.00  Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, multiple sites
1370  M86.08  Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, other site
1371  M86.05  Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, pelvic region and thigh
1372  M86.01  Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, shoulder region
1373  M86.09  Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, site unspecified
1374  M86.02  Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, upper arm
1375  K29.0  Acute haemorrhagic gastritis
1378  B16.9  Acute hepatitis B
1379  B16.0  Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) with hepatic coma
1380  B16.1  Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) without hepatic coma
1381  B16.2  Acute hepatitis B without delta-agent with hepatic coma
1382  B17.2  Acute hepatitis E
1383  K72.0  Acute hepatitis failure
1384  B23.0  Acute HIV infection syndrome
1385  N71.0  Acute inflammatory disease of uterus
1386  I24.9  Acute ischaemic heart disease, unspecified
1387  J04.0  Acute laringitis
1388  J06.0  Acute laryngopharyngitis
1389  J04.2  Acute laryngotracheitis
1391  L04.0  Acute lymphadenitis of face, head and neck
1392  L04.3  Acute lymphadenitis of lower limb
1393  L04.8  Acute lymphadenitis of other sites
1394  L04.1  Acute lymphadenitis of trunk
1395  L04.2  Acute lymphadenitis of upper limb
1396  L04.9  Acute lymphadenitis, unspecified
1397  C91.0  Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia ( ALL )
1398  H70.0  Acute mastoiditis
1399  J01.0  Acute maxillary sinusitis
1400  C94.2  Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia
1401  A39.2  Acute meningococcaemia
1402  A19.0  Acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified site
1403  A19.1  Acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sites
1404  A19.2  Acute miliary tuberculosis, unspecified
1405  I21.9  Acute miokard infark (AMI )
1406  C93.0  Acute monocytic leukaemia
1407  C94.5  Acute myelofibrosis
1408  C92.0  Acute myeloid leukaemia
1409  C92.5  Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia
1412  I40.9  Acute myocarditis, unspecified
1413  H73.0  Acute myringitis
1414  N00  ACUTE NEPHRITIC SYNDROME / GNAPS / gromerulo nepritis akut post streptococus
1415  N00.6  Acute nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease
1416  N00.7  Acute nephritic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis
1417  N00.4  Acute nephritic syndrome, diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis
1418  N00.2  Acute nephritic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis
1419  N00.3  Acute nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
1420  N00.5  Acute nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
1421  N00.1  Acute nephritic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions
1422  N00.0  Acute nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality
1423  N00.8  Acute nephritic syndrome, other
1424  A80.4  Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis
1425  I30.0  Acute nonspecific idiopathic pericarditis
1427  H60.5  Acute otitis externa, noninfective
1428  R52.0  Acute pain
1429  C94.4  Acute panmyelosis
1430  J01.4  Acute pansinusitis
1431  A80.3  Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, other and unspecified
1432  A80.0  Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, vaccine-associated
1433  A80.1  Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, imported
1434  A80.2  Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, indigenous
1435  N73.0  Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
1437  I30.9  Acute pericarditis, unspecified
1438  K05.2  Acute periodontitis, abses periodontal / abses gusi / gusi bengkak / peridontitis acut
1439  J02.8  Acute pharyngitis due to other specified organisms
1441  A80.9  Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified
1442  F23.1  Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia
1443  F23.0  Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder without symptoms of schizophrenia
1445  C92.4  Acute promyelocytic leukaemia
1446  N41.0  Acute prostatitis
1447  B40.0  Acute pulmonary blastomycosis
1448  B38.0  Acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis
1449  B39.0  Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati
1450  J95.2  Acute pulmonary insufficiency following nonthoracic surgery
1451  J95.1  Acute pulmonary insufficiency following thoracic surgery
1452  J70.0  Acute pulmonary manifestations due to radiation
1453  J68.1  Acute pulmonary oedema due to chemicals, gases, fumes and vapours
1454  L58.0  Acute radiodermatitis
1455  T81.6  Acute reaction to foreign substance accidentally left during a procedure
1457  N17.9  Acute renal failure / GGA
1458  N17.1  Acute renal failure with acute cortical necrosis
1459  N17.2  Acute renal failure with medullary necrosis
1460  J96.0  Acute respiratory failure
1461  I01.1  Acute rheumatic endocarditis
1462  I01.9  Acute rheumatic heart disease, unspecified
1463  I01.2  Acute rheumatic myocarditis
1464  I01.0  Acute rheumatic pericarditis
1465  N70.0  Acute salpingitis and oophoritis
1466  F23.2  Acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder
1467  H65.0  Acute serous otitis media
1469  J01.9  Acute sinusitis, unspecified
1470  L56.9  Acute skin change due to ultraviolet radiation, unspecified
1471  J01.3  Acute sphenoidal sinusitis
1472  H66.0  Acute suppurative otitis media
1474  J03.9  Acute tonsillitis
1475  J03.8  Acute tonsillitis due to other specified organisms
1476  J04.1  Acute tracheitis / traceitis acut
1477  I21.0  Acute transmural myocardial infarction of anterior wall
1478  I21.1  Acute transmural myocardial infarction of inferior wall
1479  I21.2  Acute transmural myocardial infarction of other sites
1480  I21.3  Acute transmural myocardial infarction of unspecified site
1481  G37.3  Acute transverse myelitis in demyelinating disease of central nervous system
1483  K55.0  Acute vascular disorders of intestine
1484  N76.2  Acute vulvitis
1485  D16.5  adamantinoma
1486  E27.2  Addisonian crisis
1487  C11.1  adeno ca
1488  C18.9  adeno ca colon
1489  C16.9  adeno ca gaster / CA gaster lambung
1490  C34.9  adeno ca paru
1491  J35.2  adeno tonsilitis cronis
1492  N80.0  adenomycosio
1493  D81.3  Adenosine deaminase [ADA] deficiency
1494  A85.1  Adenoviral encephalitis (G05.1*)
1495  A08.2  Adenoviral enteritis
1496  A87.1  Adenoviral meningitis (G02.0*)
1497  J12.0  Adenoviral pneumonia
1498  B97.0  Adenovirus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters
1499  B34.0  Adenovirus infection, unspecified
1500  H17.0  Adherent leukoma
1501  M75.0  Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder
1502  H74.1  Adhesive middle ear disease
1504  Z45.0  Adjustment and management of cardiac device
1505  Z45.1  Adjustment and management of implantable infusion device or pump
1506  Z45.3  Adjustment and management of implanted hearing device
1507  Z45.8  Adjustment and management of other implanted devices
1508  Z45.9  Adjustment and management of unspecified implanted device
1509  Z45.2  Adjustment and management of vascular access device
1510  E25.9  Adrenogenital disorder, unspecified
1512  E27.5  Adrenomedullary hyperfunction
1513  M42.12  Adult osteochondrosis of spine, cervical region
1514  M42.13  Adult osteochondrosis of spine, cervicothoracic region
1515  M42.16  Adult osteochondrosis of spine, lumbar region
1516  M42.17  Adult osteochondrosis of spine, lumbosacral region
1517  M42.10  Adult osteochondrosis of spine, multiple sites in spine
1518  M42.11  Adult osteochondrosis of spine, occipito-atlanto-axial region
1519  M42.18  Adult osteochondrosis of spine, sacral and sacrococcygeal region
1520  M42.19  Adult osteochondrosis of spine, site unspecified
1521  M42.14  Adult osteochondrosis of spine, thoracic region
1522  M42.15  Adult osteochondrosis of spine, thoracolumbar region
1524  M83.27  Adult osteomalacia due to malabsorption, ankle and foot
1525  M83.23  Adult osteomalacia due to malabsorption, forearm
1526  M83.24  Adult osteomalacia due to malabsorption, hand
1527  M83.26  Adult osteomalacia due to malabsorption, lower leg
1528  M83.20  Adult osteomalacia due to malabsorption, multiple sites
1529  M83.28  Adult osteomalacia due to malabsorption, other site
1530  M83.25  Adult osteomalacia due to malabsorption, pelvic region and thigh
1531  M83.21  Adult osteomalacia due to malabsorption, shoulder region
1532  M83.29  Adult osteomalacia due to malabsorption, site unspecified
1533  M83.22  Adult osteomalacia due to malabsorption, upper arm
1534  M83.37  Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition, ankle and foot
1535  M83.33  Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition, forearm
1536  M83.34  Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition, hand
1537  M83.36  Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition, lower leg
1538  M83.30  Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition, multiple sites
1539  M83.38  Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition, other site
1540  M83.35  Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition, pelvic region and thigh
1541  M83.31  Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition, shoulder region
1542  M83.39  Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition, site unspecified
1543  M83.32  Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition, upper arm
1544  C91.5  Adult T-cell leukaemia
1545  M06.17  Adult-onset Stills disease, ankle and foot
1546  M06.13  Adult-onset Stills disease, forearm
1547  M06.14  Adult-onset Stills disease, hand
1548  M06.16  Adult-onset Stills disease, lower leg
1549  M06.10  Adult-onset Stills disease, multiple sites
1550  M06.18  Adult-onset Stills disease, other site
1551  M06.15  Adult-onset Stills disease, pelvic region and thigh
1552  M06.11  Adult-onset Stills disease, shoulder arm
1553  M06.19  Adult-onset Stills disease, site unspecified
1554  M06.12  Adult-onset Stills disease, upper arm
1555  T78.9  Adverse effect, unspecified
1558  B56.9  African trypanosomiasis, unspecified
1559  O64.1  after coming head / letak lintang kasiep ibu
1560  O92.3  Agalactia
1561  Q51.5  Agenesis and aplasia of cervix
1562  Q30.1  Agenesis and underdevelopment of nose
1563  Q33.3  Agenesis of lung
1564  Q62.4  Agenesis of ureter
1565  Q44.0  Agenesis, aplasia and hypoplasia of gallbladder
1566  Q45.0  Agenesis, aplasia and hypoplasia of pancreas
1567  T47.9  Agent primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, unspecified
1568  Y53.9  Agent primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, unspecified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1569  Y54.7  Agents affecting calcification causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1570  Y54.8  Agents affecting uric acid metabolism causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1576  R48.1  Agnosia
1577  F40.0  Agoraphobia
1579  L94.6  Ainhum
1580  T79.0  Air embolism (traumatic)
1581  T80.0  Air embolism following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection
1582  J67.7  Air-conditioner and humidifier lung
1584  J66.8  Airway disease due to other specific organic dusts
1585  E70.3  Albinism
1586  Y57.3  Alcohol deterrents causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1587  Y91.9  Alcohol involvement, not otherwise specified
1588  Z50.2  Alcohol rehabilitation
1589  Z72.1  Alcohol use
1590  T51.9  Alcohol, unspecified
1591  K86.0  Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis
1592  E24.4  Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushings syndrome
1593  I42.6  Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
1594  K70.3  Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver
1595  K70.0  Alcoholic fatty liver
1596  K70.2  Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver
1597  K29.2  Alcoholic gastritis
1598  K70.4  Alcoholic hepatic failure
1599  K70.1  Alcoholic hepatitis
1600  K70.9  Alcoholic liver disease, unspecified
1601  G72.1  Alcoholic myopathy
1602  G62.1  Alcoholic polyneuropathy
1603  T78.4  Alergi
1604  K29.6  alergi gastritis
1605  J30.3  alergi rhinitis akibat kerja
1606  C95.7  aleukimia, leukimia
1607  M89.07  Algoneurodystrophy, ankle and foot
1608  M89.03  Algoneurodystrophy, forearm
1609  M89.04  Algoneurodystrophy, hand
1610  M89.06  Algoneurodystrophy, lower leg
1611  M89.00  Algoneurodystrophy, multiple sites
1612  M89.08  Algoneurodystrophy, other site
1613  M89.05  Algoneurodystrophy, pelvic region and thigh
1614  M89.01  Algoneurodystrophy, shoulder region
1615  M89.09  Algoneurodystrophy, site unspecified
1616  M89.02  Algoneurodystrophy, upper arm
1617  E87.3  Alkalosis
1618  K52.2  Allergic and dietetic gastroenteritis and colitis
1619  L23.1  Allergic contact dermatitis due to adhesives
1620  L23.2  Allergic contact dermatitis due to cosmetics
1621  L23.3  Allergic contact dermatitis due to drugs in contact with skin
1622  L23.4  Allergic contact dermatitis due to dyes
1623  L23.6  Allergic contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin
1624  L23.8  Allergic contact dermatitis due to other agents
1625  L23.5  Allergic contact dermatitis due to other chemical products
1626  L23.7  Allergic contact dermatitis due to plants, except food
1627  L23.9  Allergic contact dermatitis, unspecified cause
1629  J30.1  Allergic rhinitis due to pollen
1630  J30.4  Allergic rhinitis, unspecified
1631  L50.0  Allergic urticaria
1632  B48.2  Allescheriasis
1633  L63.0  Alopecia (capitis) totalis
1635  L63.9  Alopecia areata, unspecified
1636  L65.2  Alopecia mucinosa
1637  L63.1  Alopecia universalis
1638  C88.1  Alpha heavy chain disease
1639  D56.0  Alpha thalassaemia
1640  T44.6  Alpha-Adrenoreceptor antagonists, not elsewhere classified
1641  Z61.2  Altered pattern of family relationships in childhood
1642  M83.47  Aluminium bone disease, ankle and foot
1643  M83.43  Aluminium bone disease, forearm
1644  M83.44  Aluminium bone disease, hand
1645  M83.46  Aluminium bone disease, lower leg
1646  M83.40  Aluminium bone disease, multiple sites
1647  M83.48  Aluminium bone disease, other site
1648  M83.45  Aluminium bone disease, pelvic region and thigh
1649  M83.41  Aluminium bone disease, shoulder region
1650  M83.49  Aluminium bone disease, site unspecified
1651  M83.42  Aluminium bone disease, upper arm
1652  J63.0  Aluminosis (of lung)
1653  J84.0  Alveolar and parietoalveolar conditions
1654  K10.3  Alveolitis of jaws
1655  G30.0  Alzheimers disease with early onset
1656  G30.1  Alzheimers disease with late onset
1657  G30.9  Alzheimers disease, unspecified
1658  G45.3  Amaurosis fugax
1659  A06.9  Amebiasis
1660  A06.1  amebiasis lainnya / lever amebic abses
1661  N91.0  amenore
1662  N91.2  Amenorrhea
1663  T36.5  Aminoglycosides
1664  Y40.5  Aminoglycosides causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1665  O88.1  Amniotic fluid embolism
1667  A06.6  Amoebic brain abscess (G07*)
1668  A06.8  Amoebic infection of other sites
1669  A06.5  Amoebic lung abscess (J99.8*)
1670  A06.2  Amoebic nondysenteric colitis
1671  A06.3  Amoeboma of intestine
1672  S98.1  amputasi jari satu kaki
1673  Y83.5  Amputation of limb(s)
1675  L99.0  Amyloidosis of skin (E85.-+)
1676  E85.9  Amyloidosis, unspecified
1677  D55.2  Anaemia due to disorders of glycolytic enzymes
1678  D55.3  Anaemia due to disorders of nucleotide metabolism
1679  D55.9  Anaemia due to enzyme disorder, unspecified
1680  D55.0  Anaemia due to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase [G6PD] deficiency
1681  D55.1  Anaemia due to other disorders of glutathione metabolism
1683  D63.0  Anaemia in neoplastic disease
1684  D63.8  Anaemia in other chronic diseases classified elsewhere
1685  P61.2  Anaemia of prematurity
1686  D64.9  Anaemia, unspecified
1687  R20.0  Anaesthesia of skin
1689  Y70.0  Anaesthesiology devices associated with misadventures, diagnostic and monitoring devices
1690  Y70.8  Anaesthesiology devices associated with misadventures, miscellaneous devices, not elsewhere classified
1691  Y70.2  Anaesthesiology devices associated with misadventures, prosthetic and other implants, materials and accessory devices
1692  Y70.3  Anaesthesiology devices associated with misadventures, surgical instruments, materials and devices (including sutures)
1693  Y70.1  Anaesthesiology devices associated with misadventures, therapeutic (nonsurgical) and rehabilitative devices
1694  T41.4  Anaesthetic, unspecified
1695  Y48.4  Anaesthetic, unspecified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1697  L65.1  Anagen effluvium
1698  K60.2  Anal fissure, unspecified
1699  K60.3  Anal fistula / perianal
1700  K62.0  Anal polyp
1701  K62.2  Anal prolapse
1702  K59.4  Anal spasm
1703  T50.7  Analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists
1704  Y50.0  Analeptics causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1705  N14.0  Analgesic nephropathy
1706  Y45.9  Analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug, unspecified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1709  F60.5  Anankastic personality disorder
1710  T78.2  Anaphilactic reaksi / shock anaphylatic
1711  T88.6  Anaphylactic shock due to adverse effect of correct drug or medicament properly administered
1712  T78.0  Anaphylactic shock due to adverse food reaction
1713  T80.5  Anaphylactic shock due to serum
1714  B76.0  Ancylostomiasis
1715  E28.1  Androgen excess
1716  E34.5  Androgen resistance syndrome
1718  L64.9  Androgenic alopecia, unspecified
1719  T38.7  Androgens and anabolic congeners
1720  Y42.7  Androgens and anabolic congeners causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1721  D64.8  anemia ( gravio )
1722  D61.0  anemia aplastik lainnya
1723  D50.0  anemia defisiensi zat besi
1724  D58.9  anemia hemolitik
1725  D51.0  anemia lainnya
1726  Q00.0  Anencepalus bayi
1727  Q35.0  anencepalus ibu
1729  I71.4  aneorisme aorta abdominal
1730  L90.2  Anetoderma of Jadassohn-Pellizzari
1731  L90.1  Anetoderma of Schweninger-Buzzi
1732  I71.9  aneuryama aorta
1733  I79.0  Aneurysm of aorta in diseases classified elsewhere
1734  I72.4  Aneurysm of artery of lower extremity
1735  I72.1  Aneurysm of artery of upper extremity
1736  I25.3  Aneurysm of heart
1737  I72.3  Aneurysm of iliac artery
1738  I72.8  Aneurysm of other specified arteries
1739  I28.1  Aneurysm of pulmonary artery
1740  I72.2  Aneurysm of renal artery
1741  I72.9  Aneurysm of unspecified site
1742  M85.57  Aneurysmal bone cyst, ankle and foot
1743  M85.53  Aneurysmal bone cyst, forearm
1744  M85.54  Aneurysmal bone cyst, hand
1745  M85.56  Aneurysmal bone cyst, lower leg
1746  M85.50  Aneurysmal bone cyst, multiple sites
1747  M85.58  Aneurysmal bone cyst, other site
1748  M85.55  Aneurysmal bone cyst, pelvic region and thigh
1749  M85.51  Aneurysmal bone cyst, shoulder region
1750  M85.59  Aneurysmal bone cyst, site unspecified
1751  M85.52  Aneurysmal bone cyst, upper arm
1753  I20.1  Angina pectoris with documented spasm
1754  I20.9  Angina pictoris / SAP / stable anggia pastoris
1755  I20.0  Angina pictoris unsiable / pasca inpark
1756  D10.6  angio fibroma nasofaring
1757  T78.3  Angioauritic alergi
1758  K55.2  Angiodysplasia of colon
1759  C22.3  Angiosarcoma of liver
1760  B83.2  Angiostrongyliasis due to Parastrongylus cantonensis
1761  T46.4  Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors
1762  Y52.4  Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1763  L74.4  Anhidrosis
1765  B81.0  Anisakiasis
1766  H52.3  Anisometropia and aniseikonia
1767  Q38.1  Ankyloglossia
1768  M48.12  Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier], cervical region
1769  M48.13  Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier], cervicothoracic region
1770  M48.16  Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier], lumbar region
1771  M48.17  Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier], lumbosacral region
1772  M48.10  Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier], multiple sites in spine
1773  M48.11  Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier], occipito-atlanto-axial region
1774  M48.18  Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier], sacral and sacrococcygeal region
1775  M48.19  Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier], site unspecified
1776  M48.14  Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier], thoracic region
1777  M48.15  Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier], thoracolumbar region
1779  M45.02  Ankylosing spondylitis, cervical region
1780  M45.03  Ankylosing spondylitis, cervicothoracic region
1781  M45.06  Ankylosing spondylitis, lumbar region
1782  M45.07  Ankylosing spondylitis, lumbosacral region
1783  M45.00  Ankylosing spondylitis, multiple sites in spine
1784  M45.01  Ankylosing spondylitis, occipito-atlanto-axial region
1785  M45.08  Ankylosing spondylitis, sacral and sacrococcygeal region
1786  M45.09  Ankylosing spondylitis, site unspecified
1787  M45.04  Ankylosing spondylitis, thoracic region
1788  M45.05  Ankylosing spondylitis, thoracolumbar region
1789  M24.67  Ankylosis of joint, ankle and foot
1790  M24.63  Ankylosis of joint, forearm
1791  M24.64  Ankylosis of joint, hand
1792  M24.66  Ankylosis of joint, lower leg
1793  M24.60  Ankylosis of joint, multiple sites
1794  M24.68  Ankylosis of joint, other site
1795  M24.65  Ankylosis of joint, pelvic region and thigh
1796  M24.61  Ankylosis of joint, shoulder region
1797  M24.69  Ankylosis of joint, site unspecified
1798  M24.62  Ankylosis of joint, upper arm
1799  K03.5  Ankylosis of teeth
1800  Q45.1  Annular pancreas
1801  K00.0  Anodontia / missing teeth
1803  A60.9  Anogenital herpesviral infection, unspecified
1804  L29.3  Anogenital pruritus, unspecified
1805  Q89.9  anomali intra cranial / multiple conginital anomaly
1806  K07.2  Anomalies of dental arch relationship
1807  K07.1  Anomalies of jaw-cranial base relationship
1808  H57.0  Anomalies of pupillary function
1809  H58.0  Anomalies of pupillary function in diseases classified elsewhere
1810  K07.3  Anomalies of tooth position
1811  Q26.5  Anomalous portal venous connection
1812  Q26.4  Anomalous pulmonary venous connection, unspecified
1813  Q34.0  Anomaly of pleura
1814  O99.0  anomia post partum / hamil anemia
1815  Q84.3  Anonychia
1817  Q11.1  anoptalmia
1818  K61.2  Anorectal abscess
1819  K60.5  Anorectal fistula
1820  R63.0  Anorexia
1821  F50.0  Anorexia nervosa
1822  R43.0  Anosmia
1823  G93.1  Anoxic brain damage, not elsewhere classified
1824  Z36.0  Antenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies
1825  Z36.4  Antenatal screening for fetal growth retardation using ultrasound and other physical methods
1826  Z36.5  Antenatal screening for isoimmunisation
1827  Z36.3  Antenatal screening for malformations using ultrasound and other physical methods
1828  Z36.1  Antenatal screening for raised alphafetoprotein level
1829  Z36.9  Antenatal screening, unspecified
1831  O46.0  Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect
1832  O46.9  Antepartum haemorrhage, unspecified
1833  G46.1  Anterior cerebral artery syndrome (I66.1+)
1834  M47.02  Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes, cervical region (G99.2*)
1835  M47.03  Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes, cervicothoracic region (G99.2*)
1836  M47.06  Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes, lumbar region (G99.2*)
1837  M47.07  Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes, lumbosacral region (G99.2*)
1838  M47.00  Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes, multiple sites in spine (G99.2*)
1839  M47.01  Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes, occipito-atlanto-axial region (G99.2*)
1840  M47.08  Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes, sacral and sacrococcygeal region (G99.2*)
1841  M47.09  Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes, site unspecified (G99.2*)
1842  M47.04  Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes, thoracic region (G99.2*)
1843  M47.05  Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes, thoracolumbar region (G99.2*)
1844  R41.1  Anterograde amnesia
1845  T37.4  Anthelminthics
1846  Y41.4  Anthelminthics causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1847  A22  ANTHRAX
1848  A22.0  anthrax
1849  A22.7  Anthrax septicaemia
1850  A22.9  Anthrax, unspecified
1851  T48.5  Anti-common-cold drugs
1852  Y55.5  Anti-common-cold drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1853  T45.0  Antiallergic and antiemetic drugs
1854  Y43.0  Antiallergic and antiemetic drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1855  T48.6  Antiasthmatics, not elsewhere classified
1856  Y55.6  Antiasthmatics, not elsewhere classified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1857  D80.6  Antibody deficiency with near-normal immunoglobulins or with hyperimmunoglobulinaemia
1858  T44.0  Anticholinesterase agents
1859  Y51.0  Anticholinesterase agents causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1860  T45.7  Anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants
1861  Y44.3  Anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1862  T45.5  Anticoagulants
1863  Y44.2  Anticoagulants causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1864  T47.6  Antidiarrhoeal drugs
1865  Y53.6  Antidiarrhoeal drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1866  T50.6  Antidotes and chelating agents, not elsewhere classified
1867  Y57.2  Antidotes and chelating agents, not elsewhere classified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1868  T42.7  Antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, unspecified
1870  T36.7  Antifungal antibiotics, systemically used
1871  Y40.7  Antifungal antibiotics, systemically used causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1872  T38.6  Antigonadotrophins, anti-oestrogens, antiandrogens, not elsewhere classified
1873  Y42.6  Antigonadotrophins, anti-oestrogens, antiandrogens, not elsewhere classified causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1874  T46.6  Antihyperlipidaemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs
1875  Y52.6  Antihyperlipidaemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1876  T37.2  Antimalarials and drugs acting on other blood protozoa
1877  Y41.2  Antimalarials and drugs acting on other blood protozoa causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1878  T37.1  Antimycobacterial drugs
1879  Y41.1  Antimycobacterial drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1880  T45.1  Antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs
1881  Y43.1  Antineoplastic antimetabolites causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1882  Y43.2  Antineoplastic natural products causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1883  T42.8  Antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants
1884  Y46.7  Antiparkinsonism drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1885  T49.1  Antipruritics
1886  Y56.1  Antipruritics causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1887  Y45.4  Antirheumatics causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1888  T39.4  Antirheumatics, not elsewhere classified
1889  Y46.8  Antispasticity drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1890  Y44.4  Antithrombotic drugs [platelet-aggregation inhibitors] causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1891  T38.2  Antithyroid drugs
1892  Y42.2  Antithyroid drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1893  T48.3  Antitussives
1894  Y55.3  Antitussives causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1895  T46.8  Antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents
1896  Y52.8  Antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1897  T37.5  Antiviral drugs
1898  Y41.5  Antiviral drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1899  O62.2  antonea uteri
1900  R34  Anuria and oliguria
1901  F41.9  Anxietas
1902  F60.6  Anxious [avoidant] personality disorder
1903  I35.1  Aorta insufisianis
1904  I35.0  Aortic (valve) stenosis
1905  I35.2  Aortic (valve) stenosis with insufficiency
1907  I71.8  Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site, ruptured
1908  M31.4  Aortic arch syndrome / Takayasu / thalogasus
1909  I35.9  Aortic valve disorder, unspecified
1910  I39.1  Aortic valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
1911  I79.1  Aortitis in diseases classified elsewhere
1912  Q21.4  Aortopulmonary septal defect
1913  R47.0  apasia
1914  O48.9  APB
1915  H27.0  Apekia
1918  K35.0  apendicitis perforasi
1919  K38.1  Apendicular / PAI
1920  R49.1  Aphonia
1921  D61.9  Aplastic anaemia / pancitopenia
1922  D61.2  Aplastic anaemia due to other external agents
1923  P28.4  apnea bayi
1924  R06.8  apneic spell
1925  L75.2  Apocrine miliaria
1926  L75.9  Apocrine sweat disorder, unspecified
1928  T50.5  Appetite depressants
1929  Y57.0  Appetite depressants [anorectics] causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
1930  R48.2  Apraxia
1932  A96.9  Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever, unspecified
1933  Q04.1  Arhinencephaly
1934  I49.0  aritmia
1935  Q07.0  Arnold-Chiari syndrome
1936  K02.3  Arrested dental caries
1937  T57.0  Arsenic and its compounds
1938  I77.3  Arterial fibromuscular dysplasia
1939  I28.0  Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels
1940  I77.0  Arteriovenous fistula, acquired
1941  Q28.2  Arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels
1942  Q28.0  Arteriovenous malformation of precerebral vessels
1943  I77.6  Arteritis, unspecified
1944  M13.90  Arthritis
1945  M00.87  Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, ankle and foot
1946  M00.83  Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, forearm
1947  M00.84  Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, hand
1948  M00.86  Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, lower leg
1949  M00.80  Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, multiple sites
1950  M00.88  Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, other site
1951  M00.85  Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, pelvic region and thigh
1952  M00.81  Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, shoulder region
1953  M00.89  Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, site unspecified
1954  M00.82  Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, upper arm
1955  M01.27  Arthritis in Lyme disease, ankle and foot (A69.2+)
1956  M01.23  Arthritis in Lyme disease, forearm (A69.2+)
1957  M01.24  Arthritis in Lyme disease, hand (A69.2+)
1958  M01.26  Arthritis in Lyme disease, lower leg (A69.2+)
1959  M01.20  Arthritis in Lyme disease, multiple sites (A69.2+)
1960  M01.28  Arthritis in Lyme disease, other site (A69.2+)
1961  M01.25  Arthritis in Lyme disease, pelvic region and thigh (A69.2+)
1962  M01.21  Arthritis in Lyme disease, shoulder region (A69.2+)
1963  M01.29  Arthritis in Lyme disease, site unspecified (A69.2+)
1964  M01.22  Arthritis in Lyme disease, upper arm (A69.2+)
1965  M01.67  Arthritis in mycoses, ankle and foot (B35-B49+)
1966  M01.63  Arthritis in mycoses, forearm (B35-B49+)
1967  M01.64  Arthritis in mycoses, hand (B35-B49+)
1968  M01.66  Arthritis in mycoses, lower leg (B35-B49+)
1969  M01.60  Arthritis in mycoses, multiple sites (B35-B49+)
1970  M01.68  Arthritis in mycoses, other site (B35-B49+)
1971  M01.65  Arthritis in mycoses, pelvic region and thigh (B35-B49+)
1972  M01.61  Arthritis in mycoses, shoulder region (B35-B49+)
1973  M01.69  Arthritis in mycoses, site unspecified (B35-B49+)
1974  M01.62  Arthritis in mycoses, upper arm (B35-B49+)
1975  M01.37  Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, ankle and foot
1976  M01.33  Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, forearm
1977  M01.34  Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, hand
1978  M01.36  Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, lower leg
1979  M01.30  Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, multiple sites
1980  M01.38  Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, other site
1981  M01.35  Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, pelvic region and thigh
1982  M01.31  Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, shoulder region
1983  M01.39  Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, site unspecified
1984  M01.32  Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, upper arm
1985  M01.87  Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, ankle and foot
1986  M01.83  Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, forearm
1987  M01.84  Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, hand
1988  M01.86  Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, lower leg
1989  M01.80  Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, multiple sites
1990  M01.88  Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, other site
1991  M01.85  Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, pelvic region and thigh
1992  M01.81  Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, shoulder region
1993  M01.89  Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, site unspecified
1994  M01.82  Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, upper arm
1995  M01.57  Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, ankle and foot
1996  M01.53  Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, forearm
1997  M01.54  Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, hand
1998  M01.56  Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, lower leg
1999  M01.50  Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, multiple sites
2000  M01.58  Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, other site
2001  M01.55  Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, pelvic region and thigh
2002  M01.51  Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, shoulder region
2003  M01.59  Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, site unspecified
2004  M01.52  Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, upper arm
2005  M07.17  Arthritis mutilans, ankle and foot (L40.5+)
2006  M07.13  Arthritis mutilans, forearm (L40.5+)
2007  M07.14  Arthritis mutilans, hand (L40.5+)
2008  M07.16  Arthritis mutilans, lower leg (L40.5+)
2009  M07.10  Arthritis mutilans, multiple sites (L40.5+)
2010  M07.18  Arthritis mutilans, other site (L40.5+)
2011  M07.15  Arthritis mutilans, pelvic region and thigh (L40.5+)
2012  M07.11  Arthritis mutilans, shoulder region (L40.5+)
2013  M07.19  Arthritis mutilans, site unspecified (L40.5+)
2014  M07.12  Arthritis mutilans, upper arm (L40.5+)
2015  M13.97  Arthritis, unspecified, ankle and foot
2016  M13.93  Arthritis, unspecified, forearm
2017  M13.94  Arthritis, unspecified, hand
2018  M13.96  Arthritis, unspecified, lower leg
2019  M13.98  Arthritis, unspecified, other site
2020  M13.95  Arthritis, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh
2021  M13.91  Arthritis, unspecified, shoulder region
2022  M13.99  Arthritis, unspecified, site unspecified
2023  M13.92  Arthritis, unspecified, upper arm
2024  Z98.1  Arthrodesis status
2025  Q74.3  Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
2026  L40.5  Arthropathic psoriasis (M07.0-M07.3*, M09.0*)
2028  M14.5  Arthropathies in other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders
2029  M14.8  Arthropathies in other specified diseases classified elsewhere
2030  M02.07  Arthropathy following intestinal bypass, ankle and foot
2031  M02.03  Arthropathy following intestinal bypass, forearm
2032  M02.04  Arthropathy following intestinal bypass, hand
2033  M02.06  Arthropathy following intestinal bypass, lower leg
2034  M02.08  Arthropathy following intestinal bypass, other site
2035  M02.05  Arthropathy following intestinal bypass, pelvic region and thigh
2036  M02.01  Arthropathy following intestinal bypass, shoulder region
2037  M02.09  Arthropathy following intestinal bypass, site unspecified
2038  M02.02  Arthropathy following intestinal bypass, upper arm
2039  M14.4  Arthropathy in amyloidosis (E85.-+)
2040  M07.47  Arthropathy in Crohns disease [regional enteritis], ankle and foot (K50.-+)
2041  M07.43  Arthropathy in Crohns disease [regional enteritis], forearm (K50.-+)
2042  M07.44  Arthropathy in Crohns disease [regional enteritis], hand (K50.-+)
2043  M07.46  Arthropathy in Crohns disease [regional enteritis], lower leg (K50.-+)
2044  M07.48  Arthropathy in Crohns disease [regional enteritis], other site (K50.-+)
2045  M07.45  Arthropathy in Crohns disease [regional enteritis], pelvic region and thigh (K50.-+)
2046  M07.41  Arthropathy in Crohns disease [regional enteritis], shoulder region (K50.-+)
2047  M07.49  Arthropathy in Crohns disease [regional enteritis], site unspecified (K50.-+)
2048  M07.42  Arthropathy in Crohns disease [regional enteritis], upper arm (K50.-+)
2049  M36.4  Arthropathy in hypersensitivity reactions classified elsewhere
2050  M36.1  Arthropathy in neoplastic disease (C00-D48+)
2051  M36.3  Arthropathy in other blood disorders (D50-D76+)
2052  M07.57  Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis, ankle and foot (K51.-+)
2053  M07.53  Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis, forearm (K51.-+)
2054  M07.54  Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis, hand (K51.-+)
2055  M07.56  Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis, lower leg (K51.-+)
2056  M07.50  Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis, multiple sites (K51.-+)
2057  M07.58  Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis, other site (K51.-+)
2058  M07.55  Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis, pelvic region and thigh (K51.-+)
2059  M07.51  Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis, shoulder region (K51.-+)
2060  M07.59  Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis, site unspecified (K51.-+)
2061  M07.52  Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis, upper arm (K51.-+)
2062  A85.2  Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified
2064  M18.9  Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint, unspecified
2065  M19.97  Arthrosis, unspecified, ankle and foot
2066  M19.93  Arthrosis, unspecified, forearm
2067  M19.94  Arthrosis, unspecified, hand
2068  M19.98  Arthrosis, unspecified, other site
2069  M19.91  Arthrosis, unspecified, shoulder region
2070  M19.99  Arthrosis, unspecified, site unspecified
2071  M19.92  Arthrosis, unspecified, upper arm
2072  M25.50  artialgia
2073  Z31.1  Artificial insemination
2075  Z93.9  Artificial opening status, unspecified
2076  M08.00  artritis belia
2077  M05.00  artritis reumatoid
2078  M12.00  artropati dan artritis
2079  M02.00  artropati reaktif
2080  M15.0  artrosis
2082  B77.9  Ascariasis
2083  B77.0  Ascariasis with intestinal complications
2084  B77.8  Ascariasis with other complications
2085  R18  ASCITES
2087  Z31.2  aseptor implan
2089  J45.0  asma akibat kerja
2090  J45.9  asma bronciale / TOTAL BLOK
2091  F84.5  Aspergers syndrome
2093  B44.9  Aspergillosis, unspecified
2094  R09.0  Asphixia
2095  P21.0  asphixia berat
2096  P21.1  asphixia ringan
2098  T17.1  aspirasi hidung
2099  P24.0  aspirasi mecodum
2100  T17.9  aspirasi minyak T / benda asing / makanan
2101  P24.1  aspirasi pnemunia bayi
2102  Y84.4  Aspiration of fluid as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure
2103  O74.0  Aspiration pneumonitis due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery
2105  Y00.79  Assault by blunt object, farm, during unspecified activity
2106  Y00.71  Assault by blunt object, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2107  Y00.78  Assault by blunt object, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2108  Y00.73  Assault by blunt object, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2109  Y00.70  Assault by blunt object, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2110  Y00.74  Assault by blunt object, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2111  Y00.72  Assault by blunt object, farm, while working for an income
2112  Y00.09  Assault by blunt object, home, during unspecified activity
2113  Y00.01  Assault by blunt object, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2114  Y00.08  Assault by blunt object, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2115  Y00.03  Assault by blunt object, home, while engaged in other types of work
2116  Y00.00  Assault by blunt object, home, while engaged in sports activity
2117  Y00.04  Assault by blunt object, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2118  Y00.02  Assault by blunt object, home, while working for an income
2119  Y00.69  Assault by blunt object, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2120  Y00.61  Assault by blunt object, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2121  Y00.68  Assault by blunt object, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2122  Y00.63  Assault by blunt object, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2123  Y00.60  Assault by blunt object, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2124  Y00.64  Assault by blunt object, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2125  Y00.62  Assault by blunt object, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2126  Y00.89  Assault by blunt object, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2127  Y00.81  Assault by blunt object, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2128  Y00.88  Assault by blunt object, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2129  Y00.83  Assault by blunt object, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2130  Y00.80  Assault by blunt object, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2131  Y00.84  Assault by blunt object, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2132  Y00.82  Assault by blunt object, other specified places, while working for an income
2133  Y00.19  Assault by blunt object, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2134  Y00.11  Assault by blunt object, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2135  Y00.18  Assault by blunt object, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2136  Y00.13  Assault by blunt object, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2137  Y00.10  Assault by blunt object, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2138  Y00.14  Assault by blunt object, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2139  Y00.12  Assault by blunt object, residential institution, while working for an income
2140  Y00.29  Assault by blunt object, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2141  Y00.21  Assault by blunt object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2142  Y00.28  Assault by blunt object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2143  Y00.23  Assault by blunt object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2144  Y00.20  Assault by blunt object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2145  Y00.24  Assault by blunt object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2146  Y00.22  Assault by blunt object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2147  Y00.39  Assault by blunt object, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2148  Y00.31  Assault by blunt object, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2149  Y00.38  Assault by blunt object, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2150  Y00.33  Assault by blunt object, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2151  Y00.30  Assault by blunt object, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
2152  Y00.34  Assault by blunt object, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2153  Y00.32  Assault by blunt object, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
2154  Y00.49  Assault by blunt object, street and highway, during unspecified activity
2155  Y00.41  Assault by blunt object, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
2156  Y00.48  Assault by blunt object, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
2157  Y00.43  Assault by blunt object, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
2158  Y00.40  Assault by blunt object, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
2159  Y00.44  Assault by blunt object, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2160  Y00.42  Assault by blunt object, street and highway, while working for an income
2161  Y00.59  Assault by blunt object, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
2162  Y00.51  Assault by blunt object, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
2163  Y00.58  Assault by blunt object, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
2164  Y00.53  Assault by blunt object, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
2165  Y00.50  Assault by blunt object, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
2166  Y00.54  Assault by blunt object, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2167  Y00.52  Assault by blunt object, trade and service area, while working for an income
2168  Y00.99  Assault by blunt object, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
2169  Y00.91  Assault by blunt object, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
2170  Y00.98  Assault by blunt object, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
2171  Y00.93  Assault by blunt object, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
2172  Y00.90  Assault by blunt object, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
2173  Y00.94  Assault by blunt object, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2174  Y00.92  Assault by blunt object, unspecified place, while working for an income
2175  Y04.79  Assault by bodily force, farm, during unspecified activity
2176  Y04.71  Assault by bodily force, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2177  Y04.78  Assault by bodily force, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2178  Y04.73  Assault by bodily force, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2179  Y04.70  Assault by bodily force, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2180  Y04.74  Assault by bodily force, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2181  Y04.72  Assault by bodily force, farm, while working for an income
2182  Y04.09  Assault by bodily force, home, during unspecified activity
2183  Y04.01  Assault by bodily force, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2184  Y04.08  Assault by bodily force, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2185  Y04.03  Assault by bodily force, home, while engaged in other types of work
2186  Y04.04  Assault by bodily force, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2187  Y04.02  Assault by bodily force, home, while working for an income
2188  Y04.69  Assault by bodily force, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2189  Y04.61  Assault by bodily force, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2190  Y04.68  Assault by bodily force, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2191  Y04.63  Assault by bodily force, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2192  Y04.60  Assault by bodily force, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2193  Y04.64  Assault by bodily force, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2194  Y04.62  Assault by bodily force, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2195  Y04.89  Assault by bodily force, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2196  Y04.81  Assault by bodily force, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2197  Y04.88  Assault by bodily force, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2198  Y04.83  Assault by bodily force, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2199  Y04.80  Assault by bodily force, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2200  Y04.84  Assault by bodily force, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2201  Y04.82  Assault by bodily force, other specified places, while working for an income
2202  Y04.19  Assault by bodily force, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2203  Y04.11  Assault by bodily force, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2204  Y04.18  Assault by bodily force, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2205  Y04.13  Assault by bodily force, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2206  Y04.10  Assault by bodily force, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2207  Y04.14  Assault by bodily force, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2208  Y04.12  Assault by bodily force, residential institution, while working for an income
2209  Y04.29  Assault by bodily force, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2210  Y04.21  Assault by bodily force, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2211  Y04.28  Assault by bodily force, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2212  Y04.23  Assault by bodily force, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2213  Y04.20  Assault by bodily force, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2214  Y04.24  Assault by bodily force, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2215  Y04.22  Assault by bodily force, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2216  Y04.39  Assault by bodily force, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2217  Y04.31  Assault by bodily force, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2218  Y04.38  Assault by bodily force, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2219  Y04.33  Assault by bodily force, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2220  Y04.30  Assault by bodily force, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
2221  Y04.34  Assault by bodily force, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2222  Y04.32  Assault by bodily force, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
2223  Y04.49  Assault by bodily force, street and highway, during unspecified activity
2224  Y04.41  Assault by bodily force, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
2225  Y04.48  Assault by bodily force, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
2226  Y04.43  Assault by bodily force, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
2227  Y04.40  Assault by bodily force, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
2228  Y04.44  Assault by bodily force, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2229  Y04.42  Assault by bodily force, street and highway, while working for an income
2230  Y04.59  Assault by bodily force, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
2231  Y04.51  Assault by bodily force, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
2232  Y04.58  Assault by bodily force, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
2233  Y04.53  Assault by bodily force, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
2234  Y04.50  Assault by bodily force, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
2235  Y04.54  Assault by bodily force, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2236  Y04.52  Assault by bodily force, trade and service area, while working for an income
2237  Y04.99  Assault by bodily force, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
2238  Y04.91  Assault by bodily force, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
2239  Y04.98  Assault by bodily force, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
2240  Y04.93  Assault by bodily force, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
2241  Y04.90  Assault by bodily force, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
2242  Y04.94  Assault by bodily force, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2243  Y04.92  Assault by bodily force, unspecified place, while working for an income
2245  X86.79  Assault by corrosive substance, farm, during unspecified activity
2246  X86.71  Assault by corrosive substance, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2247  X86.78  Assault by corrosive substance, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2248  X86.73  Assault by corrosive substance, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2249  X86.70  Assault by corrosive substance, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2250  X86.74  Assault by corrosive substance, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2251  X86.72  Assault by corrosive substance, farm, while working for an income
2252  X86.09  Assault by corrosive substance, home, during unspecified activity
2253  X86.01  Assault by corrosive substance, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2254  X86.08  Assault by corrosive substance, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2255  X86.03  Assault by corrosive substance, home, while engaged in other types of work
2256  X86.00  Assault by corrosive substance, home, while engaged in sports activity
2257  X86.04  Assault by corrosive substance, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2258  X86.02  Assault by corrosive substance, home, while working for an income
2259  X86.69  Assault by corrosive substance, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2260  X86.61  Assault by corrosive substance, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2261  X86.68  Assault by corrosive substance, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2262  X86.63  Assault by corrosive substance, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2263  X86.60  Assault by corrosive substance, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2264  X86.64  Assault by corrosive substance, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2265  X86.62  Assault by corrosive substance, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2266  X86.89  Assault by corrosive substance, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2267  X86.81  Assault by corrosive substance, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2268  X86.88  Assault by corrosive substance, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2269  X86.83  Assault by corrosive substance, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2270  X86.80  Assault by corrosive substance, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2271  X86.84  Assault by corrosive substance, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2272  X86.82  Assault by corrosive substance, other specified places, while working for an income
2273  X86.19  Assault by corrosive substance, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2274  X86.11  Assault by corrosive substance, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2275  X86.18  Assault by corrosive substance, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2276  X86.13  Assault by corrosive substance, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2277  X86.10  Assault by corrosive substance, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2278  X86.14  Assault by corrosive substance, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2279  X86.12  Assault by corrosive substance, residential institution, while working for an income
2280  X86.29  Assault by corrosive substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2281  X86.21  Assault by corrosive substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2282  X86.28  Assault by corrosive substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2283  X86.23  Assault by corrosive substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2284  X86.20  Assault by corrosive substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2285  X86.24  Assault by corrosive substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2286  X86.22  Assault by corrosive substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2287  X86.39  Assault by corrosive substance, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2288  X86.31  Assault by corrosive substance, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2289  X86.38  Assault by corrosive substance, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2290  X86.33  Assault by corrosive substance, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2291  X86.30  Assault by corrosive substance, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
2292  X86.34  Assault by corrosive substance, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2293  X86.32  Assault by corrosive substance, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
2294  X86.49  Assault by corrosive substance, street and highway, during unspecified activity
2295  X86.41  Assault by corrosive substance, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
2296  X86.48  Assault by corrosive substance, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
2297  X86.43  Assault by corrosive substance, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
2298  X86.40  Assault by corrosive substance, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
2299  X86.44  Assault by corrosive substance, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2300  X86.42  Assault by corrosive substance, street and highway, while working for an income
2301  X86.59  Assault by corrosive substance, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
2302  X86.51  Assault by corrosive substance, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
2303  X86.58  Assault by corrosive substance, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
2304  X86.53  Assault by corrosive substance, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
2305  X86.50  Assault by corrosive substance, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
2306  X86.54  Assault by corrosive substance, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2307  X86.52  Assault by corrosive substance, trade and service area, while working for an income
2308  X86.99  Assault by corrosive substance, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
2309  X86.91  Assault by corrosive substance, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
2310  X86.98  Assault by corrosive substance, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
2311  X86.93  Assault by corrosive substance, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
2312  X86.90  Assault by corrosive substance, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
2313  X86.94  Assault by corrosive substance, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2314  X86.92  Assault by corrosive substance, unspecified place, while working for an income
2316  Y03.79  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, farm, during unspecified activity
2317  Y03.71  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2318  Y03.78  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2319  Y03.73  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2320  Y03.70  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2321  Y03.74  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2322  Y03.72  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, farm, while working for an income
2323  Y03.09  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, home, during unspecified activity
2324  Y03.01  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2325  Y03.08  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2326  Y03.03  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, home, while engaged in other types of work
2327  Y03.00  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, home, while engaged in sports activity
2328  Y03.04  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2329  Y03.02  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, home, while working for an income
2330  Y03.69  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2331  Y03.61  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2332  Y03.68  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2333  Y03.63  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2334  Y03.60  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2335  Y03.64  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2336  Y03.62  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2337  Y03.89  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2338  Y03.81  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2339  Y03.88  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2340  Y03.83  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2341  Y03.80  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2342  Y03.84  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2343  Y03.82  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, other specified places, while working for an income
2344  Y03.19  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2345  Y03.11  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2346  Y03.18  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2347  Y03.13  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2348  Y03.10  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2349  Y03.14  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2350  Y03.12  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, residential institution, while working for an income
2351  Y03.29  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2352  Y03.21  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2353  Y03.28  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2354  Y03.23  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2355  Y03.20  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2356  Y03.24  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2357  Y03.22  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2358  Y03.39  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2359  Y03.31  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2360  Y03.38  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2361  Y03.33  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2362  Y03.30  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
2363  Y03.34  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2364  Y03.32  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
2365  Y03.49  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, street and highway, during unspecified activity
2366  Y03.41  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
2367  Y03.48  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
2368  Y03.43  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
2369  Y03.40  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
2370  Y03.44  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2371  Y03.42  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, street and highway, while working for an income
2372  Y03.59  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
2373  Y03.51  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
2374  Y03.58  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
2375  Y03.53  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
2376  Y03.50  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
2377  Y03.54  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2378  Y03.52  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, trade and service area, while working for an income
2379  Y03.99  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
2380  Y03.91  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
2381  Y03.98  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
2382  Y03.93  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
2383  Y03.90  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
2384  Y03.94  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2385  Y03.92  Assault by crashing of motor vehicle, unspecified place, while working for an income
2387  X92.79  Assault by drowning and submersion, farm, during unspecified activity
2388  X92.71  Assault by drowning and submersion, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2389  X92.78  Assault by drowning and submersion, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2390  X92.73  Assault by drowning and submersion, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2391  X92.70  Assault by drowning and submersion, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2392  X92.74  Assault by drowning and submersion, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2393  X92.72  Assault by drowning and submersion, farm, while working for an income
2394  X92.09  Assault by drowning and submersion, home, during unspecified activity
2395  X92.01  Assault by drowning and submersion, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2396  X92.08  Assault by drowning and submersion, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2397  X92.03  Assault by drowning and submersion, home, while engaged in other types of work
2398  X92.00  Assault by drowning and submersion, home, while engaged in sports activity
2399  X92.04  Assault by drowning and submersion, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2400  X92.02  Assault by drowning and submersion, home, while working for an income
2401  X92.69  Assault by drowning and submersion, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2402  X92.61  Assault by drowning and submersion, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2403  X92.68  Assault by drowning and submersion, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2404  X92.63  Assault by drowning and submersion, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2405  X92.60  Assault by drowning and submersion, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2406  X92.64  Assault by drowning and submersion, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2407  X92.62  Assault by drowning and submersion, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2408  X92.89  Assault by drowning and submersion, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2409  X92.81  Assault by drowning and submersion, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2410  X92.88  Assault by drowning and submersion, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2411  X92.83  Assault by drowning and submersion, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2412  X92.80  Assault by drowning and submersion, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2413  X92.84  Assault by drowning and submersion, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2414  X92.82  Assault by drowning and submersion, other specified places, while working for an income
2415  X92.19  Assault by drowning and submersion, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2416  X92.11  Assault by drowning and submersion, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2417  X92.18  Assault by drowning and submersion, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2418  X92.13  Assault by drowning and submersion, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2419  X92.10  Assault by drowning and submersion, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2420  X92.14  Assault by drowning and submersion, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2421  X92.12  Assault by drowning and submersion, residential institution, while working for an income
2422  X92.29  Assault by drowning and submersion, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2423  X92.21  Assault by drowning and submersion, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2424  X92.28  Assault by drowning and submersion, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2425  X92.23  Assault by drowning and submersion, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2426  X92.20  Assault by drowning and submersion, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2427  X92.24  Assault by drowning and submersion, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2428  X92.22  Assault by drowning and submersion, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2429  X92.39  Assault by drowning and submersion, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2430  X92.31  Assault by drowning and submersion, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2431  X92.38  Assault by drowning and submersion, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2432  X92.33  Assault by drowning and submersion, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2433  X92.30  Assault by drowning and submersion, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
2434  X92.34  Assault by drowning and submersion, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2435  X92.32  Assault by drowning and submersion, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
2436  X92.49  Assault by drowning and submersion, street and highway, during unspecified activity
2437  X92.41  Assault by drowning and submersion, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
2438  X92.48  Assault by drowning and submersion, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
2439  X92.43  Assault by drowning and submersion, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
2440  X92.40  Assault by drowning and submersion, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
2441  X92.44  Assault by drowning and submersion, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2442  X92.42  Assault by drowning and submersion, street and highway, while working for an income
2443  X92.59  Assault by drowning and submersion, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
2444  X92.51  Assault by drowning and submersion, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
2445  X92.58  Assault by drowning and submersion, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
2446  X92.53  Assault by drowning and submersion, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
2447  X92.50  Assault by drowning and submersion, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
2448  X92.54  Assault by drowning and submersion, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2449  X92.52  Assault by drowning and submersion, trade and service area, while working for an income
2450  X92.99  Assault by drowning and submersion, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
2451  X92.91  Assault by drowning and submersion, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
2452  X92.98  Assault by drowning and submersion, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
2453  X92.93  Assault by drowning and submersion, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
2454  X92.90  Assault by drowning and submersion, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
2455  X92.94  Assault by drowning and submersion, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2456  X92.92  Assault by drowning and submersion, unspecified place, while working for an income
2457  X85.79  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, during unspecified activity
2458  X85.71  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2459  X85.78  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2460  X85.73  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2461  X85.70  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2462  X85.74  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2463  X85.72  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, farm, while working for an income
2464  X85.09  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, during unspecified activity
2465  X85.01  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2466  X85.08  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2467  X85.03  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, while engaged in other types of work
2468  X85.00  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, while engaged in sports activity
2469  X85.04  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2470  X85.02  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, home, while working for an income
2471  X85.69  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2472  X85.61  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2473  X85.68  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2474  X85.63  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2475  X85.60  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2476  X85.64  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2477  X85.62  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2478  X85.89  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2479  X85.81  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2480  X85.88  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2481  X85.83  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2482  X85.80  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2483  X85.84  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2484  X85.82  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, other specified places, while working for an income
2485  X85.19  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2486  X85.11  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2487  X85.18  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2488  X85.13  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2489  X85.10  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2490  X85.14  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2491  X85.12  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, residential institution, while working for an income
2492  X85.29  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2493  X85.21  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2494  X85.28  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2495  X85.23  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2496  X85.20  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2497  X85.24  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2498  X85.22  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2499  X85.39  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2500  X85.31  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2501  X85.38  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2502  X85.33  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2503  X85.30  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
2504  X85.34  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2505  X85.32  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
2506  X85.49  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, during unspecified activity
2507  X85.41  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
2508  X85.48  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
2509  X85.43  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
2510  X85.40  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
2511  X85.44  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2512  X85.42  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, street and highway, while working for an income
2513  X85.59  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
2514  X85.51  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
2515  X85.58  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
2516  X85.53  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
2517  X85.50  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
2518  X85.54  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2519  X85.52  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, trade and service area, while working for an income
2520  X85.99  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
2521  X85.91  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
2522  X85.98  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
2523  X85.93  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
2524  X85.90  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
2525  X85.94  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2526  X85.92  Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances, unspecified place, while working for an income
2528  X96.79  Assault by explosive material, farm, during unspecified activity
2529  X96.71  Assault by explosive material, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2530  X96.78  Assault by explosive material, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2531  X96.73  Assault by explosive material, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2532  X96.70  Assault by explosive material, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2533  X96.74  Assault by explosive material, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2534  X96.72  Assault by explosive material, farm, while working for an income
2535  X96.09  Assault by explosive material, home, during unspecified activity
2536  X96.01  Assault by explosive material, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2537  X96.08  Assault by explosive material, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2538  X96.03  Assault by explosive material, home, while engaged in other types of work
2539  X96.00  Assault by explosive material, home, while engaged in sports activity
2540  X96.04  Assault by explosive material, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2541  X96.02  Assault by explosive material, home, while working for an income
2542  X96.69  Assault by explosive material, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2543  X96.61  Assault by explosive material, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2544  X96.68  Assault by explosive material, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2545  X96.63  Assault by explosive material, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2546  X96.60  Assault by explosive material, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2547  X96.64  Assault by explosive material, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2548  X96.62  Assault by explosive material, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2549  X96.89  Assault by explosive material, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2550  X96.81  Assault by explosive material, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2551  X96.88  Assault by explosive material, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2552  X96.83  Assault by explosive material, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2553  X96.80  Assault by explosive material, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2554  X96.84  Assault by explosive material, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2555  X96.82  Assault by explosive material, other specified places, while working for an income
2556  X96.19  Assault by explosive material, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2557  X96.11  Assault by explosive material, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2558  X96.18  Assault by explosive material, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2559  X96.13  Assault by explosive material, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2560  X96.10  Assault by explosive material, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2561  X96.14  Assault by explosive material, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2562  X96.12  Assault by explosive material, residential institution, while working for an income
2563  X96.29  Assault by explosive material, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2564  X96.21  Assault by explosive material, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2565  X96.28  Assault by explosive material, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2566  X96.23  Assault by explosive material, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2567  X96.20  Assault by explosive material, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2568  X96.24  Assault by explosive material, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2569  X96.22  Assault by explosive material, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2570  X96.39  Assault by explosive material, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2571  X96.31  Assault by explosive material, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2572  X96.38  Assault by explosive material, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2573  X96.33  Assault by explosive material, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2574  X96.30  Assault by explosive material, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
2575  X96.34  Assault by explosive material, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2576  X96.32  Assault by explosive material, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
2577  X96.49  Assault by explosive material, street and highway, during unspecified activity
2578  X96.41  Assault by explosive material, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
2579  X96.48  Assault by explosive material, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
2580  X96.43  Assault by explosive material, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
2581  X96.40  Assault by explosive material, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
2582  X96.44  Assault by explosive material, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2583  X96.42  Assault by explosive material, street and highway, while working for an income
2584  X96.59  Assault by explosive material, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
2585  X96.51  Assault by explosive material, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
2586  X96.58  Assault by explosive material, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
2587  X96.53  Assault by explosive material, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
2588  X96.50  Assault by explosive material, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
2589  X96.54  Assault by explosive material, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2590  X96.52  Assault by explosive material, trade and service area, while working for an income
2591  X96.99  Assault by explosive material, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
2592  X96.91  Assault by explosive material, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
2593  X96.98  Assault by explosive material, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
2594  X96.93  Assault by explosive material, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
2595  X96.90  Assault by explosive material, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
2596  X96.94  Assault by explosive material, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2597  X96.92  Assault by explosive material, unspecified place, while working for an income
2599  X88.79  Assault by gases and vapours, farm, during unspecified activity
2600  X88.71  Assault by gases and vapours, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2601  X88.78  Assault by gases and vapours, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2602  X88.73  Assault by gases and vapours, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2603  X88.70  Assault by gases and vapours, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2604  X88.74  Assault by gases and vapours, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2605  X88.72  Assault by gases and vapours, farm, while working for an income
2606  X88.09  Assault by gases and vapours, home, during unspecified activity
2607  X88.01  Assault by gases and vapours, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2608  X88.08  Assault by gases and vapours, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2609  X88.03  Assault by gases and vapours, home, while engaged in other types of work
2610  X88.00  Assault by gases and vapours, home, while engaged in sports activity
2611  X88.04  Assault by gases and vapours, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2612  X88.02  Assault by gases and vapours, home, while working for an income
2613  X88.69  Assault by gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2614  X88.61  Assault by gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2615  X88.68  Assault by gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2616  X88.63  Assault by gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2617  X88.60  Assault by gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2618  X88.64  Assault by gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2619  X88.62  Assault by gases and vapours, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2620  X88.89  Assault by gases and vapours, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2621  X88.81  Assault by gases and vapours, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2622  X88.88  Assault by gases and vapours, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2623  X88.83  Assault by gases and vapours, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2624  X88.80  Assault by gases and vapours, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2625  X88.84  Assault by gases and vapours, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2626  X88.82  Assault by gases and vapours, other specified places, while working for an income
2627  X88.19  Assault by gases and vapours, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2628  X88.11  Assault by gases and vapours, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2629  X88.18  Assault by gases and vapours, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2630  X88.13  Assault by gases and vapours, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2631  X88.10  Assault by gases and vapours, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2632  X88.14  Assault by gases and vapours, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2633  X88.12  Assault by gases and vapours, residential institution, while working for an income
2634  X88.29  Assault by gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2635  X88.21  Assault by gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2636  X88.28  Assault by gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2637  X88.23  Assault by gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2638  X88.20  Assault by gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2639  X88.24  Assault by gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2640  X88.22  Assault by gases and vapours, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2641  X88.39  Assault by gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2642  X88.31  Assault by gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2643  X88.38  Assault by gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2644  X88.33  Assault by gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2645  X88.30  Assault by gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
2646  X88.34  Assault by gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2647  X88.32  Assault by gases and vapours, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
2648  X88.49  Assault by gases and vapours, street and highway, during unspecified activity
2649  X88.41  Assault by gases and vapours, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
2650  X88.48  Assault by gases and vapours, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
2651  X88.43  Assault by gases and vapours, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
2652  X88.40  Assault by gases and vapours, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
2653  X88.44  Assault by gases and vapours, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2654  X88.42  Assault by gases and vapours, street and highway, while working for an income
2655  X88.59  Assault by gases and vapours, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
2656  X88.51  Assault by gases and vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
2657  X88.58  Assault by gases and vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
2658  X88.53  Assault by gases and vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
2659  X88.50  Assault by gases and vapours, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
2660  X88.54  Assault by gases and vapours, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2661  X88.52  Assault by gases and vapours, trade and service area, while working for an income
2662  X88.99  Assault by gases and vapours, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
2663  X88.91  Assault by gases and vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
2664  X88.98  Assault by gases and vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
2665  X88.93  Assault by gases and vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
2666  X88.90  Assault by gases and vapours, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
2667  X88.94  Assault by gases and vapours, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2668  X88.92  Assault by gases and vapours, unspecified place, while working for an income
2670  X93.79  Assault by handgun discharge, farm, during unspecified activity
2671  X93.71  Assault by handgun discharge, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2672  X93.78  Assault by handgun discharge, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2673  X93.73  Assault by handgun discharge, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2674  X93.70  Assault by handgun discharge, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2675  X93.74  Assault by handgun discharge, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2676  X93.72  Assault by handgun discharge, farm, while working for an income
2677  X93.09  Assault by handgun discharge, home, during unspecified activity
2678  X93.01  Assault by handgun discharge, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2679  X93.08  Assault by handgun discharge, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2680  X93.03  Assault by handgun discharge, home, while engaged in other types of work
2681  X93.00  Assault by handgun discharge, home, while engaged in sports activity
2682  X93.04  Assault by handgun discharge, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2683  X93.02  Assault by handgun discharge, home, while working for an income
2684  X93.69  Assault by handgun discharge, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2685  X93.61  Assault by handgun discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2686  X93.68  Assault by handgun discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2687  X93.63  Assault by handgun discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2688  X93.60  Assault by handgun discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2689  X93.64  Assault by handgun discharge, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2690  X93.62  Assault by handgun discharge, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2691  X93.89  Assault by handgun discharge, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2692  X93.81  Assault by handgun discharge, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2693  X93.88  Assault by handgun discharge, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2694  X93.83  Assault by handgun discharge, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2695  X93.80  Assault by handgun discharge, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2696  X93.84  Assault by handgun discharge, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2697  X93.82  Assault by handgun discharge, other specified places, while working for an income
2698  X93.19  Assault by handgun discharge, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2699  X93.11  Assault by handgun discharge, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2700  X93.18  Assault by handgun discharge, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2701  X93.13  Assault by handgun discharge, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2702  X93.10  Assault by handgun discharge, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2703  X93.14  Assault by handgun discharge, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2704  X93.12  Assault by handgun discharge, residential institution, while working for an income
2705  X93.29  Assault by handgun discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2706  X93.21  Assault by handgun discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2707  X93.28  Assault by handgun discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2708  X93.23  Assault by handgun discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2709  X93.20  Assault by handgun discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2710  X93.24  Assault by handgun discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2711  X93.22  Assault by handgun discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2712  X93.39  Assault by handgun discharge, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2713  X93.31  Assault by handgun discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2714  X93.38  Assault by handgun discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2715  X93.33  Assault by handgun discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2716  X93.30  Assault by handgun discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
2717  X93.34  Assault by handgun discharge, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2718  X93.32  Assault by handgun discharge, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
2719  X93.49  Assault by handgun discharge, street and highway, during unspecified activity
2720  X93.41  Assault by handgun discharge, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
2721  X93.48  Assault by handgun discharge, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
2722  X93.43  Assault by handgun discharge, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
2723  X93.40  Assault by handgun discharge, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
2724  X93.44  Assault by handgun discharge, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2725  X93.42  Assault by handgun discharge, street and highway, while working for an income
2726  X93.59  Assault by handgun discharge, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
2727  X93.51  Assault by handgun discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
2728  X93.58  Assault by handgun discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
2729  X93.53  Assault by handgun discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
2730  X93.50  Assault by handgun discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
2731  X93.54  Assault by handgun discharge, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2732  X93.52  Assault by handgun discharge, trade and service area, while working for an income
2733  X93.99  Assault by handgun discharge, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
2734  X93.91  Assault by handgun discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
2735  X93.98  Assault by handgun discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
2736  X93.93  Assault by handgun discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
2737  X93.90  Assault by handgun discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
2738  X93.94  Assault by handgun discharge, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2739  X93.92  Assault by handgun discharge, unspecified place, while working for an income
2740  X91.79  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, farm, during unspecified activity
2741  X91.71  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2742  X91.78  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2743  X91.73  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2744  X91.70  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2745  X91.74  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2746  X91.72  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, farm, while working for an income
2747  X91.09  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, home, during unspecified activity
2748  X91.01  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2749  X91.08  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2750  X91.03  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, home, while engaged in other types of work
2751  X91.00  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, home, while engaged in sports activity
2752  X91.04  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2753  X91.02  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, home, while working for an income
2754  X91.69  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2755  X91.61  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2756  X91.68  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2757  X91.63  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2758  X91.60  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2759  X91.64  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2760  X91.62  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2761  X91.89  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2762  X91.81  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2763  X91.88  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2764  X91.83  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2765  X91.80  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2766  X91.84  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2767  X91.82  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, other specified places, while working for an income
2768  X91.19  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2769  X91.11  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2770  X91.18  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2771  X91.13  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2772  X91.10  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2773  X91.14  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2774  X91.12  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, residential institution, while working for an income
2775  X91.29  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2776  X91.21  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2777  X91.28  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2778  X91.23  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2779  X91.20  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2780  X91.24  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2781  X91.22  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2782  X91.39  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2783  X91.31  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2784  X91.38  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2785  X91.33  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2786  X91.30  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
2787  X91.34  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2788  X91.32  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
2789  X91.49  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, street and highway, during unspecified activity
2790  X91.41  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
2791  X91.48  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
2792  X91.43  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
2793  X91.40  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
2794  X91.44  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2795  X91.42  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, street and highway, while working for an income
2796  X91.59  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
2797  X91.51  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
2798  X91.58  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
2799  X91.53  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
2800  X91.50  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
2801  X91.54  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2802  X91.52  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, trade and service area, while working for an income
2803  X91.99  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
2804  X91.91  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
2805  X91.98  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
2806  X91.93  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
2807  X91.90  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
2808  X91.94  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2809  X91.92  Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation, unspecified place, while working for an income
2812  X95.79  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, farm, during unspecified activity
2813  X95.71  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2814  X95.78  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2815  X95.73  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2816  X95.70  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2817  X95.74  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2818  X95.72  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, farm, while working for an income
2819  X95.09  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, home, during unspecified activity
2820  X95.01  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2821  X95.08  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2822  X95.03  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, home, while engaged in other types of work
2823  X95.00  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, home, while engaged in sports activity
2824  X95.04  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2825  X95.02  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, home, while working for an income
2826  X95.69  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2827  X95.61  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2828  X95.68  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2829  X95.63  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2830  X95.60  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2831  X95.64  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2832  X95.62  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2833  X95.89  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2834  X95.81  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2835  X95.88  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2836  X95.83  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2837  X95.80  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2838  X95.84  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2839  X95.82  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, other specified places, while working for an income
2840  X95.19  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2841  X95.11  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2842  X95.18  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2843  X95.13  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2844  X95.10  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2845  X95.14  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2846  X95.12  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, residential institution, while working for an income
2847  X95.29  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2848  X95.21  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2849  X95.28  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2850  X95.23  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2851  X95.20  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2852  X95.24  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2853  X95.22  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2854  X95.39  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2855  X95.31  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2856  X95.38  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2857  X95.33  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2858  X95.30  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
2859  X95.34  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2860  X95.32  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
2861  X95.49  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, street and highway, during unspecified activity
2862  X95.41  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
2863  X95.48  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
2864  X95.43  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
2865  X95.40  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
2866  X95.44  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2867  X95.42  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, street and highway, while working for an income
2868  X95.59  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
2869  X95.51  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
2870  X95.58  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
2871  X95.53  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
2872  X95.50  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
2873  X95.54  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2874  X95.52  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, trade and service area, while working for an income
2875  X95.99  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
2876  X95.91  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
2877  X95.98  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
2878  X95.93  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
2879  X95.90  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
2880  X95.94  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2881  X95.92  Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge, unspecified place, while working for an income
2883  X89.79  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, during unspecified activity
2884  X89.71  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2885  X89.78  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2886  X89.73  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2887  X89.70  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2888  X89.74  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2889  X89.72  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, farm, while working for an income
2890  X89.09  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, home, during unspecified activity
2891  X89.01  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2892  X89.08  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2893  X89.03  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, home, while engaged in other types of work
2894  X89.00  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, home, while engaged in sports activity
2895  X89.04  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2896  X89.02  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, home, while working for an income
2897  X89.69  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2898  X89.61  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2899  X89.68  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2900  X89.63  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2901  X89.60  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2902  X89.64  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2903  X89.62  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2904  X89.89  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2905  X89.81  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2906  X89.88  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2907  X89.83  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2908  X89.80  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2909  X89.84  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2910  X89.82  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, other specified places, while working for an income
2911  X89.19  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2912  X89.11  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2913  X89.18  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2914  X89.13  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2915  X89.10  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2916  X89.14  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2917  X89.12  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, residential institution, while working for an income
2918  X89.29  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2919  X89.21  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2920  X89.28  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2921  X89.23  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2922  X89.20  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2923  X89.24  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2924  X89.22  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2925  X89.39  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2926  X89.31  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2927  X89.38  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2928  X89.33  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2929  X89.30  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
2930  X89.34  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2931  X89.32  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
2932  X89.49  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, during unspecified activity
2933  X89.41  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
2934  X89.48  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
2935  X89.43  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
2936  X89.40  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
2937  X89.44  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2938  X89.42  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, street and highway, while working for an income
2939  X89.59  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
2940  X89.51  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
2941  X89.58  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
2942  X89.53  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
2943  X89.50  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
2944  X89.54  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2945  X89.52  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, trade and service area, while working for an income
2946  X89.99  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
2947  X89.91  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
2948  X89.98  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
2949  X89.93  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
2950  X89.90  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
2951  X89.94  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2952  X89.92  Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances, unspecified place, while working for an income
2953  Y08.79  Assault by other specified means, farm, during unspecified activity
2954  Y08.71  Assault by other specified means, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
2955  Y08.78  Assault by other specified means, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
2956  Y08.73  Assault by other specified means, farm, while engaged in other types of work
2957  Y08.70  Assault by other specified means, farm, while engaged in sports activity
2958  Y08.74  Assault by other specified means, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2959  Y08.72  Assault by other specified means, farm, while working for an income
2960  Y08.09  Assault by other specified means, home, during unspecified activity
2961  Y08.01  Assault by other specified means, home, while engaged in leisure activity
2962  Y08.08  Assault by other specified means, home, while engaged in other specified activities
2963  Y08.03  Assault by other specified means, home, while engaged in other types of work
2964  Y08.00  Assault by other specified means, home, while engaged in sports activity
2965  Y08.04  Assault by other specified means, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2966  Y08.02  Assault by other specified means, home, while working for an income
2967  Y08.69  Assault by other specified means, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
2968  Y08.61  Assault by other specified means, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
2969  Y08.68  Assault by other specified means, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
2970  Y08.63  Assault by other specified means, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
2971  Y08.60  Assault by other specified means, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
2972  Y08.64  Assault by other specified means, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2973  Y08.62  Assault by other specified means, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
2974  Y08.89  Assault by other specified means, other specified places, during unspecified activity
2975  Y08.81  Assault by other specified means, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
2976  Y08.88  Assault by other specified means, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
2977  Y08.83  Assault by other specified means, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
2978  Y08.80  Assault by other specified means, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
2979  Y08.84  Assault by other specified means, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2980  Y08.82  Assault by other specified means, other specified places, while working for an income
2981  Y08.19  Assault by other specified means, residential institution, during unspecified activity
2982  Y08.11  Assault by other specified means, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
2983  Y08.18  Assault by other specified means, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
2984  Y08.13  Assault by other specified means, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
2985  Y08.10  Assault by other specified means, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
2986  Y08.14  Assault by other specified means, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2987  Y08.12  Assault by other specified means, residential institution, while working for an income
2988  Y08.29  Assault by other specified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
2989  Y08.21  Assault by other specified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
2990  Y08.28  Assault by other specified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
2991  Y08.23  Assault by other specified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
2992  Y08.20  Assault by other specified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
2993  Y08.24  Assault by other specified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
2994  Y08.22  Assault by other specified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
2995  Y08.39  Assault by other specified means, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
2996  Y08.31  Assault by other specified means, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
2997  Y08.38  Assault by other specified means, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
2998  Y08.33  Assault by other specified means, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
2999  Y08.30  Assault by other specified means, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
3000  Y08.34  Assault by other specified means, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3001  Y08.32  Assault by other specified means, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
3002  Y08.49  Assault by other specified means, street and highway, during unspecified activity
3003  Y08.41  Assault by other specified means, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
3004  Y08.48  Assault by other specified means, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
3005  Y08.43  Assault by other specified means, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
3006  Y08.40  Assault by other specified means, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
3007  Y08.44  Assault by other specified means, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3008  Y08.42  Assault by other specified means, street and highway, while working for an income
3009  Y08.59  Assault by other specified means, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
3010  Y08.51  Assault by other specified means, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
3011  Y08.58  Assault by other specified means, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
3012  Y08.53  Assault by other specified means, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
3013  Y08.50  Assault by other specified means, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
3014  Y08.54  Assault by other specified means, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3015  Y08.52  Assault by other specified means, trade and service area, while working for an income
3016  Y08.99  Assault by other specified means, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
3017  Y08.91  Assault by other specified means, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
3018  Y08.98  Assault by other specified means, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
3019  Y08.93  Assault by other specified means, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
3020  Y08.90  Assault by other specified means, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
3021  Y08.94  Assault by other specified means, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3022  Y08.92  Assault by other specified means, unspecified place, while working for an income
3024  X87.79  Assault by pesticides, farm, during unspecified activity
3025  X87.71  Assault by pesticides, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
3026  X87.78  Assault by pesticides, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
3027  X87.73  Assault by pesticides, farm, while engaged in other types of work
3028  X87.70  Assault by pesticides, farm, while engaged in sports activity
3029  X87.74  Assault by pesticides, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3030  X87.72  Assault by pesticides, farm, while working for an income
3031  X87.09  Assault by pesticides, home, during unspecified activity
3032  X87.01  Assault by pesticides, home, while engaged in leisure activity
3033  X87.08  Assault by pesticides, home, while engaged in other specified activities
3034  X87.03  Assault by pesticides, home, while engaged in other types of work
3035  X87.00  Assault by pesticides, home, while engaged in sports activity
3036  X87.04  Assault by pesticides, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3037  X87.02  Assault by pesticides, home, while working for an income
3038  X87.69  Assault by pesticides, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
3039  X87.61  Assault by pesticides, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
3040  X87.68  Assault by pesticides, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
3041  X87.63  Assault by pesticides, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
3042  X87.60  Assault by pesticides, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
3043  X87.64  Assault by pesticides, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3044  X87.62  Assault by pesticides, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
3045  X87.89  Assault by pesticides, other specified places, during unspecified activity
3046  X87.81  Assault by pesticides, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
3047  X87.88  Assault by pesticides, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
3048  X87.83  Assault by pesticides, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
3049  X87.80  Assault by pesticides, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
3050  X87.84  Assault by pesticides, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3051  X87.82  Assault by pesticides, other specified places, while working for an income
3052  X87.19  Assault by pesticides, residential institution, during unspecified activity
3053  X87.11  Assault by pesticides, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
3054  X87.18  Assault by pesticides, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
3055  X87.13  Assault by pesticides, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
3056  X87.10  Assault by pesticides, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
3057  X87.14  Assault by pesticides, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3058  X87.12  Assault by pesticides, residential institution, while working for an income
3059  X87.29  Assault by pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
3060  X87.21  Assault by pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
3061  X87.28  Assault by pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
3062  X87.23  Assault by pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
3063  X87.20  Assault by pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
3064  X87.24  Assault by pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3065  X87.22  Assault by pesticides, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
3066  X87.39  Assault by pesticides, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
3067  X87.31  Assault by pesticides, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
3068  X87.38  Assault by pesticides, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
3069  X87.33  Assault by pesticides, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
3070  X87.30  Assault by pesticides, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
3071  X87.34  Assault by pesticides, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3072  X87.32  Assault by pesticides, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
3073  X87.49  Assault by pesticides, street and highway, during unspecified activity
3074  X87.41  Assault by pesticides, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
3075  X87.48  Assault by pesticides, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
3076  X87.43  Assault by pesticides, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
3077  X87.40  Assault by pesticides, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
3078  X87.44  Assault by pesticides, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3079  X87.42  Assault by pesticides, street and highway, while working for an income
3080  X87.59  Assault by pesticides, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
3081  X87.51  Assault by pesticides, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
3082  X87.58  Assault by pesticides, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
3083  X87.53  Assault by pesticides, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
3084  X87.50  Assault by pesticides, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
3085  X87.54  Assault by pesticides, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3086  X87.52  Assault by pesticides, trade and service area, while working for an income
3087  X87.99  Assault by pesticides, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
3088  X87.91  Assault by pesticides, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
3089  X87.98  Assault by pesticides, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
3090  X87.93  Assault by pesticides, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
3091  X87.90  Assault by pesticides, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
3092  X87.94  Assault by pesticides, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3093  X87.92  Assault by pesticides, unspecified place, while working for an income
3094  Y01.79  Assault by pushing from high place, farm, during unspecified activity
3095  Y01.71  Assault by pushing from high place, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
3096  Y01.78  Assault by pushing from high place, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
3097  Y01.73  Assault by pushing from high place, farm, while engaged in other types of work
3098  Y01.70  Assault by pushing from high place, farm, while engaged in sports activity
3099  Y01.74  Assault by pushing from high place, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3100  Y01.72  Assault by pushing from high place, farm, while working for an income
3101  Y01.09  Assault by pushing from high place, home, during unspecified activity
3102  Y01.01  Assault by pushing from high place, home, while engaged in leisure activity
3103  Y01.08  Assault by pushing from high place, home, while engaged in other specified activities
3104  Y01.03  Assault by pushing from high place, home, while engaged in other types of work
3105  Y01.00  Assault by pushing from high place, home, while engaged in sports activity
3106  Y01.04  Assault by pushing from high place, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3107  Y01.02  Assault by pushing from high place, home, while working for an income
3108  Y01.69  Assault by pushing from high place, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
3109  Y01.61  Assault by pushing from high place, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
3110  Y01.68  Assault by pushing from high place, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
3111  Y01.63  Assault by pushing from high place, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
3112  Y01.60  Assault by pushing from high place, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
3113  Y01.64  Assault by pushing from high place, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3114  Y01.62  Assault by pushing from high place, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
3115  Y01.89  Assault by pushing from high place, other specified places, during unspecified activity
3116  Y01.81  Assault by pushing from high place, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
3117  Y01.88  Assault by pushing from high place, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
3118  Y01.83  Assault by pushing from high place, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
3119  Y01.80  Assault by pushing from high place, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
3120  Y01.84  Assault by pushing from high place, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3121  Y01.82  Assault by pushing from high place, other specified places, while working for an income
3122  Y01.19  Assault by pushing from high place, residential institution, during unspecified activity
3123  Y01.11  Assault by pushing from high place, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
3124  Y01.18  Assault by pushing from high place, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
3125  Y01.13  Assault by pushing from high place, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
3126  Y01.10  Assault by pushing from high place, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
3127  Y01.14  Assault by pushing from high place, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3128  Y01.12  Assault by pushing from high place, residential institution, while working for an income
3129  Y01.29  Assault by pushing from high place, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
3130  Y01.21  Assault by pushing from high place, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
3131  Y01.28  Assault by pushing from high place, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
3132  Y01.23  Assault by pushing from high place, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
3133  Y01.20  Assault by pushing from high place, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
3134  Y01.24  Assault by pushing from high place, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3135  Y01.22  Assault by pushing from high place, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
3136  Y01.39  Assault by pushing from high place, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
3137  Y01.31  Assault by pushing from high place, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
3138  Y01.38  Assault by pushing from high place, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
3139  Y01.33  Assault by pushing from high place, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
3140  Y01.30  Assault by pushing from high place, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
3141  Y01.34  Assault by pushing from high place, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3142  Y01.32  Assault by pushing from high place, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
3143  Y01.49  Assault by pushing from high place, street and highway, during unspecified activity
3144  Y01.41  Assault by pushing from high place, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
3145  Y01.48  Assault by pushing from high place, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
3146  Y01.43  Assault by pushing from high place, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
3147  Y01.40  Assault by pushing from high place, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
3148  Y01.44  Assault by pushing from high place, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3149  Y01.42  Assault by pushing from high place, street and highway, while working for an income
3150  Y01.59  Assault by pushing from high place, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
3151  Y01.51  Assault by pushing from high place, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
3152  Y01.58  Assault by pushing from high place, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
3153  Y01.53  Assault by pushing from high place, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
3154  Y01.50  Assault by pushing from high place, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
3155  Y01.54  Assault by pushing from high place, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3156  Y01.52  Assault by pushing from high place, trade and service area, while working for an income
3157  Y01.99  Assault by pushing from high place, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
3158  Y01.91  Assault by pushing from high place, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
3159  Y01.98  Assault by pushing from high place, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
3160  Y01.93  Assault by pushing from high place, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
3161  Y01.90  Assault by pushing from high place, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
3162  Y01.94  Assault by pushing from high place, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3163  Y01.92  Assault by pushing from high place, unspecified place, while working for an income
3165  Y02.79  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, farm, during unspecified activity
3166  Y02.71  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
3167  Y02.78  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
3168  Y02.73  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, farm, while engaged in other types of work
3169  Y02.70  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, farm, while engaged in sports activity
3170  Y02.74  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3171  Y02.72  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, farm, while working for an income
3172  Y02.09  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, home, during unspecified activity
3173  Y02.01  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, home, while engaged in leisure activity
3174  Y02.08  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, home, while engaged in other specified activities
3175  Y02.03  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, home, while engaged in other types of work
3176  Y02.00  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, home, while engaged in sports activity
3177  Y02.04  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3178  Y02.02  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, home, while working for an income
3179  Y02.69  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
3180  Y02.61  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
3181  Y02.68  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
3182  Y02.63  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
3183  Y02.60  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
3184  Y02.64  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3185  Y02.62  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
3186  Y02.89  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, other specified places, during unspecified activity
3187  Y02.81  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
3188  Y02.88  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
3189  Y02.83  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
3190  Y02.80  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
3191  Y02.84  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3192  Y02.82  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, other specified places, while working for an income
3193  Y02.19  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, residential institution, during unspecified activity
3194  Y02.11  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
3195  Y02.18  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
3196  Y02.13  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
3197  Y02.10  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
3198  Y02.14  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3199  Y02.12  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, residential institution, while working for an income
3200  Y02.29  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
3201  Y02.21  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
3202  Y02.28  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
3203  Y02.23  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
3204  Y02.20  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
3205  Y02.24  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3206  Y02.22  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
3207  Y02.39  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
3208  Y02.31  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
3209  Y02.38  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
3210  Y02.33  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
3211  Y02.30  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
3212  Y02.34  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3213  Y02.32  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
3214  Y02.49  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, street and highway, during unspecified activity
3215  Y02.41  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
3216  Y02.48  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
3217  Y02.43  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
3218  Y02.40  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
3219  Y02.44  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3220  Y02.42  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, street and highway, while working for an income
3221  Y02.59  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
3222  Y02.51  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
3223  Y02.58  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
3224  Y02.53  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
3225  Y02.50  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
3226  Y02.54  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3227  Y02.52  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, trade and service area, while working for an income
3228  Y02.99  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
3229  Y02.91  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
3230  Y02.98  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
3231  Y02.93  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
3232  Y02.90  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
3233  Y02.94  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3234  Y02.92  Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object, unspecified place, while working for an income
3235  X94.79  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, during unspecified activity
3236  X94.71  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
3237  X94.78  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
3238  X94.73  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, while engaged in other types of work
3239  X94.70  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, while engaged in sports activity
3240  X94.74  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3241  X94.72  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, farm, while working for an income
3242  X94.09  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, during unspecified activity
3243  X94.01  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, while engaged in leisure activity
3244  X94.08  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, while engaged in other specified activities
3245  X94.03  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, while engaged in other types of work
3246  X94.00  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, while engaged in sports activity
3247  X94.04  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3248  X94.02  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, home, while working for an income
3249  X94.69  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
3250  X94.61  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
3251  X94.68  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
3252  X94.63  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
3253  X94.60  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
3254  X94.64  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3255  X94.62  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
3256  X94.89  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, during unspecified activity
3257  X94.81  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
3258  X94.88  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
3259  X94.83  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
3260  X94.80  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
3261  X94.84  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3262  X94.82  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, other specified places, while working for an income
3263  X94.19  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, during unspecified activity
3264  X94.11  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
3265  X94.18  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
3266  X94.13  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
3267  X94.10  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
3268  X94.14  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3269  X94.12  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, residential institution, while working for an income
3270  X94.29  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
3271  X94.21  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
3272  X94.28  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
3273  X94.23  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
3274  X94.20  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
3275  X94.24  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3276  X94.22  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
3277  X94.39  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
3278  X94.31  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
3279  X94.38  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
3280  X94.33  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
3281  X94.30  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
3282  X94.34  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3283  X94.32  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
3284  X94.49  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, during unspecified activity
3285  X94.41  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
3286  X94.48  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
3287  X94.43  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
3288  X94.40  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
3289  X94.44  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3290  X94.42  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, street and highway, while working for an income
3291  X94.59  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
3292  X94.51  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
3293  X94.58  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
3294  X94.53  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
3295  X94.50  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
3296  X94.54  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3297  X94.52  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, trade and service area, while working for an income
3298  X94.99  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
3299  X94.91  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
3300  X94.98  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
3301  X94.93  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
3302  X94.90  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
3303  X94.94  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3304  X94.92  Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge, unspecified place, while working for an income
3306  X99.79  Assault by sharp object, farm, during unspecified activity
3307  X99.71  Assault by sharp object, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
3308  X99.78  Assault by sharp object, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
3309  X99.73  Assault by sharp object, farm, while engaged in other types of work
3310  X99.70  Assault by sharp object, farm, while engaged in sports activity
3311  X99.74  Assault by sharp object, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3312  X99.72  Assault by sharp object, farm, while working for an income
3313  X99.09  Assault by sharp object, home, during unspecified activity
3314  X99.01  Assault by sharp object, home, while engaged in leisure activity
3315  X99.08  Assault by sharp object, home, while engaged in other specified activities
3316  X99.03  Assault by sharp object, home, while engaged in other types of work
3317  X99.00  Assault by sharp object, home, while engaged in sports activity
3318  X99.04  Assault by sharp object, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3319  X99.02  Assault by sharp object, home, while working for an income
3320  X99.69  Assault by sharp object, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
3321  X99.61  Assault by sharp object, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
3322  X99.68  Assault by sharp object, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
3323  X99.63  Assault by sharp object, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
3324  X99.60  Assault by sharp object, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
3325  X99.64  Assault by sharp object, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3326  X99.62  Assault by sharp object, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
3327  X99.89  Assault by sharp object, other specified places, during unspecified activity
3328  X99.81  Assault by sharp object, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
3329  X99.88  Assault by sharp object, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
3330  X99.83  Assault by sharp object, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
3331  X99.80  Assault by sharp object, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
3332  X99.84  Assault by sharp object, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3333  X99.82  Assault by sharp object, other specified places, while working for an income
3334  X99.19  Assault by sharp object, residential institution, during unspecified activity
3335  X99.11  Assault by sharp object, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
3336  X99.18  Assault by sharp object, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
3337  X99.13  Assault by sharp object, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
3338  X99.10  Assault by sharp object, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
3339  X99.14  Assault by sharp object, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3340  X99.12  Assault by sharp object, residential institution, while working for an income
3341  X99.29  Assault by sharp object, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
3342  X99.21  Assault by sharp object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
3343  X99.28  Assault by sharp object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
3344  X99.23  Assault by sharp object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
3345  X99.20  Assault by sharp object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
3346  X99.24  Assault by sharp object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3347  X99.22  Assault by sharp object, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
3348  X99.39  Assault by sharp object, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
3349  X99.31  Assault by sharp object, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
3350  X99.38  Assault by sharp object, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
3351  X99.33  Assault by sharp object, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
3352  X99.30  Assault by sharp object, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
3353  X99.34  Assault by sharp object, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3354  X99.32  Assault by sharp object, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
3355  X99.49  Assault by sharp object, street and highway, during unspecified activity
3356  X99.41  Assault by sharp object, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
3357  X99.48  Assault by sharp object, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
3358  X99.43  Assault by sharp object, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
3359  X99.40  Assault by sharp object, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
3360  X99.44  Assault by sharp object, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3361  X99.42  Assault by sharp object, street and highway, while working for an income
3362  X99.59  Assault by sharp object, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
3363  X99.51  Assault by sharp object, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
3364  X99.58  Assault by sharp object, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
3365  X99.53  Assault by sharp object, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
3366  X99.50  Assault by sharp object, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
3367  X99.54  Assault by sharp object, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3368  X99.52  Assault by sharp object, trade and service area, while working for an income
3369  X99.99  Assault by sharp object, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
3370  X99.91  Assault by sharp object, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
3371  X99.98  Assault by sharp object, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
3372  X99.93  Assault by sharp object, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
3373  X99.90  Assault by sharp object, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
3374  X99.94  Assault by sharp object, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3375  X99.92  Assault by sharp object, unspecified place, while working for an income
3376  X97.79  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, farm, during unspecified activity
3377  X97.71  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
3378  X97.78  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
3379  X97.73  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, farm, while engaged in other types of work
3380  X97.70  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, farm, while engaged in sports activity
3381  X97.74  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3382  X97.72  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, farm, while working for an income
3383  X97.09  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, home, during unspecified activity
3384  X97.01  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, home, while engaged in leisure activity
3385  X97.08  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, home, while engaged in other specified activities
3386  X97.03  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, home, while engaged in other types of work
3387  X97.00  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, home, while engaged in sports activity
3388  X97.04  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3389  X97.02  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, home, while working for an income
3390  X97.69  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
3391  X97.61  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
3392  X97.68  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
3393  X97.63  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
3394  X97.60  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
3395  X97.64  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3396  X97.62  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
3397  X97.89  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, other specified places, during unspecified activity
3398  X97.81  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
3399  X97.88  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
3400  X97.83  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
3401  X97.80  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
3402  X97.84  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3403  X97.82  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, other specified places, while working for an income
3404  X97.19  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, residential institution, during unspecified activity
3405  X97.11  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
3406  X97.18  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
3407  X97.13  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
3408  X97.10  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
3409  X97.14  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3410  X97.12  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, residential institution, while working for an income
3411  X97.29  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
3412  X97.21  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
3413  X97.28  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
3414  X97.23  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
3415  X97.20  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
3416  X97.24  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3417  X97.22  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
3418  X97.39  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
3419  X97.31  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
3420  X97.38  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
3421  X97.33  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
3422  X97.30  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
3423  X97.34  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3424  X97.32  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
3425  X97.49  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, street and highway, during unspecified activity
3426  X97.41  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
3427  X97.48  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
3428  X97.43  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
3429  X97.40  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
3430  X97.44  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3431  X97.42  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, street and highway, while working for an income
3432  X97.59  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
3433  X97.51  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
3434  X97.58  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
3435  X97.53  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
3436  X97.50  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
3437  X97.54  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3438  X97.52  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, trade and service area, while working for an income
3439  X97.99  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
3440  X97.91  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
3441  X97.98  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
3442  X97.93  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
3443  X97.90  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
3444  X97.94  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3445  X97.92  Assault by smoke, fire and flames, unspecified place, while working for an income
3447  X98.79  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, farm, during unspecified activity
3448  X98.71  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
3449  X98.78  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
3450  X98.73  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, farm, while engaged in other types of work
3451  X98.70  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, farm, while engaged in sports activity
3452  X98.74  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3453  X98.72  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, farm, while working for an income
3454  X98.09  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, home, during unspecified activity
3455  X98.01  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, home, while engaged in leisure activity
3456  X98.08  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, home, while engaged in other specified activities
3457  X98.03  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, home, while engaged in other types of work
3458  X98.00  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, home, while engaged in sports activity
3459  X98.04  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3460  X98.02  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, home, while working for an income
3461  X98.69  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
3462  X98.61  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
3463  X98.68  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
3464  X98.63  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
3465  X98.60  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
3466  X98.64  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3467  X98.62  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
3468  X98.89  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, other specified places, during unspecified activity
3469  X98.81  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
3470  X98.88  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
3471  X98.83  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
3472  X98.80  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
3473  X98.84  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3474  X98.82  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, other specified places, while working for an income
3475  X98.19  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, residential institution, during unspecified activity
3476  X98.11  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
3477  X98.18  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
3478  X98.13  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
3479  X98.10  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
3480  X98.14  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3481  X98.12  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, residential institution, while working for an income
3482  X98.29  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
3483  X98.21  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
3484  X98.28  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
3485  X98.23  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
3486  X98.20  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
3487  X98.24  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3488  X98.22  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
3489  X98.39  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
3490  X98.31  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
3491  X98.38  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
3492  X98.33  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
3493  X98.30  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
3494  X98.34  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3495  X98.32  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
3496  X98.49  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, street and highway, during unspecified activity
3497  X98.41  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
3498  X98.48  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
3499  X98.43  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
3500  X98.40  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
3501  X98.44  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3502  X98.42  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, street and highway, while working for an income
3503  X98.59  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
3504  X98.51  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
3505  X98.58  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
3506  X98.53  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
3507  X98.50  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
3508  X98.54  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3509  X98.52  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, trade and service area, while working for an income
3510  X98.99  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
3511  X98.91  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
3512  X98.98  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
3513  X98.93  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
3514  X98.90  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
3515  X98.94  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3516  X98.92  Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects, unspecified place, while working for an income
3519  X90.79  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, farm, during unspecified activity
3520  X90.71  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
3521  X90.78  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
3522  X90.73  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, farm, while engaged in other types of work
3523  X90.70  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, farm, while engaged in sports activity
3524  X90.74  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3525  X90.72  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, farm, while working for an income
3526  X90.09  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, home, during unspecified activity
3527  X90.01  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, home, while engaged in leisure activity
3528  X90.08  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, home, while engaged in other specified activities
3529  X90.03  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, home, while engaged in other types of work
3530  X90.00  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, home, while engaged in sports activity
3531  X90.04  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3532  X90.02  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, home, while working for an income
3533  X90.69  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
3534  X90.61  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
3535  X90.68  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
3536  X90.63  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
3537  X90.60  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
3538  X90.64  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3539  X90.62  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
3540  X90.89  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, other specified places, during unspecified activity
3541  X90.81  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
3542  X90.88  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
3543  X90.83  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
3544  X90.80  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
3545  X90.84  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3546  X90.82  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, other specified places, while working for an income
3547  X90.19  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, residential institution, during unspecified activity
3548  X90.11  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
3549  X90.18  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
3550  X90.13  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
3551  X90.10  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
3552  X90.14  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3553  X90.12  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, residential institution, while working for an income
3554  X90.29  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
3555  X90.21  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
3556  X90.28  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
3557  X90.23  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
3558  X90.20  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
3559  X90.24  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3560  X90.22  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
3561  X90.39  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
3562  X90.31  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
3563  X90.38  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
3564  X90.33  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
3565  X90.30  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
3566  X90.34  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3567  X90.32  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
3568  X90.49  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, street and highway, during unspecified activity
3569  X90.41  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
3570  X90.48  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
3571  X90.43  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
3572  X90.40  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
3573  X90.44  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3574  X90.42  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, street and highway, while working for an income
3575  X90.59  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
3576  X90.51  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
3577  X90.58  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
3578  X90.53  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
3579  X90.50  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
3580  X90.54  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3581  X90.52  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, trade and service area, while working for an income
3582  X90.99  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
3583  X90.91  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
3584  X90.98  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
3585  X90.93  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
3586  X90.90  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
3587  X90.94  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3588  X90.92  Assault by unspecified chemical and noxious substance, unspecified place, while working for an income
3590  Y09.79  Assault by unspecified means, farm, during unspecified activity
3591  Y09.71  Assault by unspecified means, farm, while engaged in leisure activity
3592  Y09.78  Assault by unspecified means, farm, while engaged in other specified activities
3593  Y09.73  Assault by unspecified means, farm, while engaged in other types of work
3594  Y09.70  Assault by unspecified means, farm, while engaged in sports activity
3595  Y09.74  Assault by unspecified means, farm, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3596  Y09.72  Assault by unspecified means, farm, while working for an income
3597  Y09.09  Assault by unspecified means, home, during unspecified activity
3598  Y09.01  Assault by unspecified means, home, while engaged in leisure activity
3599  Y09.08  Assault by unspecified means, home, while engaged in other specified activities
3600  Y09.03  Assault by unspecified means, home, while engaged in other types of work
3601  Y09.00  Assault by unspecified means, home, while engaged in sports activity
3602  Y09.04  Assault by unspecified means, home, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3603  Y09.02  Assault by unspecified means, home, while working for an income
3604  Y09.69  Assault by unspecified means, industrial and construction area, during unspecified activity
3605  Y09.61  Assault by unspecified means, industrial and construction area, while engaged in leisure activity
3606  Y09.68  Assault by unspecified means, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other specified activities
3607  Y09.63  Assault by unspecified means, industrial and construction area, while engaged in other types of work
3608  Y09.60  Assault by unspecified means, industrial and construction area, while engaged in sports activity
3609  Y09.64  Assault by unspecified means, industrial and construction area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3610  Y09.62  Assault by unspecified means, industrial and construction area, while working for an income
3611  Y09.89  Assault by unspecified means, other specified places, during unspecified activity
3612  Y09.81  Assault by unspecified means, other specified places, while engaged in leisure activity
3613  Y09.88  Assault by unspecified means, other specified places, while engaged in other specified activities
3614  Y09.83  Assault by unspecified means, other specified places, while engaged in other types of work
3615  Y09.80  Assault by unspecified means, other specified places, while engaged in sports activity
3616  Y09.84  Assault by unspecified means, other specified places, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3617  Y09.82  Assault by unspecified means, other specified places, while working for an income
3618  Y09.19  Assault by unspecified means, residential institution, during unspecified activity
3619  Y09.11  Assault by unspecified means, residential institution, while engaged in leisure activity
3620  Y09.18  Assault by unspecified means, residential institution, while engaged in other specified activities
3621  Y09.13  Assault by unspecified means, residential institution, while engaged in other types of work
3622  Y09.10  Assault by unspecified means, residential institution, while engaged in sports activity
3623  Y09.14  Assault by unspecified means, residential institution, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3624  Y09.12  Assault by unspecified means, residential institution, while working for an income
3625  Y09.29  Assault by unspecified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, during unspecified activity
3626  Y09.21  Assault by unspecified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in leisure activity
3627  Y09.28  Assault by unspecified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other specified activities
3628  Y09.23  Assault by unspecified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in other types of work
3629  Y09.20  Assault by unspecified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, while engaged in sports activity
3630  Y09.24  Assault by unspecified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3631  Y09.22  Assault by unspecified means, school, other institution and public administrative area, while working for an income
3632  Y09.39  Assault by unspecified means, sports and athletics area, during unspecified activity
3633  Y09.31  Assault by unspecified means, sports and athletics area, while engaged in leisure activity
3634  Y09.38  Assault by unspecified means, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other specified activities
3635  Y09.33  Assault by unspecified means, sports and athletics area, while engaged in other types of work
3636  Y09.30  Assault by unspecified means, sports and athletics area, while engaged in sports activity
3637  Y09.34  Assault by unspecified means, sports and athletics area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3638  Y09.32  Assault by unspecified means, sports and athletics area, while working for an income
3639  Y09.49  Assault by unspecified means, street and highway, during unspecified activity
3640  Y09.41  Assault by unspecified means, street and highway, while engaged in leisure activity
3641  Y09.48  Assault by unspecified means, street and highway, while engaged in other specified activities
3642  Y09.43  Assault by unspecified means, street and highway, while engaged in other types of work
3643  Y09.40  Assault by unspecified means, street and highway, while engaged in sports activity
3644  Y09.44  Assault by unspecified means, street and highway, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3645  Y09.42  Assault by unspecified means, street and highway, while working for an income
3646  Y09.59  Assault by unspecified means, trade and service area, during unspecified activity
3647  Y09.51  Assault by unspecified means, trade and service area, while engaged in leisure activity
3648  Y09.58  Assault by unspecified means, trade and service area, while engaged in other specified activities
3649  Y09.53  Assault by unspecified means, trade and service area, while engaged in other types of work
3650  Y09.50  Assault by unspecified means, trade and service area, while engaged in sports activity
3651  Y09.54  Assault by unspecified means, trade and service area, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3652  Y09.52  Assault by unspecified means, trade and service area, while working for an income
3653  Y09.99  Assault by unspecified means, unspecified place, during unspecified activity
3654  Y09.91  Assault by unspecified means, unspecified place, while engaged in leisure activity
3655  Y09.98  Assault by unspecified means, unspecified place, while engaged in other specified activities
3656  Y09.93  Assault by unspecified means, unspecified place, while engaged in other types of work
3657  Y09.90  Assault by unspecified means, unspecified place, while engaged in sports activity
3658  Y09.94  Assault by unspecified means, unspecified place, while resting, sleeping, eating or engaging in other vital activities
3659  Y09.92  Assault by unspecified means, unspecified place, while working for an income
3662  O83.9  Assisted single delivery, unspecified
3663  R53  ASTENEA
3664  J45  ASTHMA
3665  H52.2  Astigmatism
3666  A52.2  Asymptomatic neurosyphilis
3667  R27.0  Ataxia, unspecified
3668  G80.4  Ataxic cerebral palsy
3669  R26.0  Ataxic gait
3670  J98.1  atelactasis
3671  I70.0  Aterosklerosis
3673  I70.2  Atherosclerosis of arteries of extremities
3674  I70.8  Atherosclerosis of other arteries
3675  I70.1  Atherosclerosis of renal artery
3676  I25.0  Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, so described
3678  L20.9  Atopic dermatitis, unspecified
3679  I70.9  atoroma
3680  Q21.1  Atreal septa depta ( ASD )
3681  Q62.1  Atresia and stenosis of ureter
3682  Q42.3  atresia ani
3683  Q41.0  atresia duodeni / ileum
3684  Q25.2  Atresia of aorta
3685  Q44.2  Atresia of bile ducts
3686  Q39.1  Atresia of oesophagus with tracheo-oesophageal fistula
3687  Q39.0  Atresia of oesophagus without fistula
3688  Q25.5  Atresia of pulmonary artery
3689  Q55.3  Atresia of vas deferens
3690  Q42.1  atresia rectum
3692  I49.1  Atrial premature depolarisation
3693  I23.1  Atrial septal defect as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
3695  I44.2  Atrioventricular block, complete
3696  I44.0  Atrioventricular block, first degree
3697  I44.1  Atrioventricular block, second degree
3698  Q21.2  Atrioventricular septal defect
3699  L90.9  Atrophic disorder of skin, unspecified
3701  L90.3  Atrophoderma of Pasini and Pierini
3702  N64.2  Atrophy of breast
3703  K08.2  Atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge
3704  N42.2  Atrophy of prostate
3705  K11.0  Atrophy of salivary gland
3706  N50.0  Atrophy of testis
3707  E03.4  Atrophy of thyroid (acquired)
3708  K14.4  Atrophy of tongue papillae
3709  N90.5  Atrophy of vulva
3711  Z43.7  Attention to artificial vagina
3712  Z43.3  Attention to colostomy
3713  Z43.5  Attention to cystostomy
3714  Z43.1  Attention to gastrostomy
3715  Z43.2  Attention to ileostomy
3716  Z43.8  Attention to other artificial openings
3717  Z43.4  Attention to other artificial openings of digestive tract
3718  Z43.6  Attention to other artificial openings of urinary tract
3719  Z48.0  Attention to surgical dressings and sutures
3720  Z43.0  Attention to tracheostomy
3721  Z43.9  Attention to unspecified artificial opening
3722  H72.1  Attic perforation of tympanic membrane
3723  F50.1  Atypical anorexia nervosa
3724  F84.1  Atypical autism
3725  F50.3  Atypical bulimia nervosa
3726  G50.1  Atypical facial pain
3727  Z60.1  Atypical parenting situation
3728  A81.9  Atypical virus infection of central nervous system, unspecified
3729  R44.0  Auditory hallucinations
3730  B87.4  Aural myiasis
3731  A83.4  Australian encephalitis
3732  E31.0  Autoimmune polyglandular failure
3733  E06.3  Autoimmune thyroiditis / tiroiditis hasimoto
3734  G99.0  Autonomic neuropathy in endocrine and metabolic diseases
3735  I44.3  AV block
3736  T14.7  avulsion
3737  S05.7  Avulsion of eye
3738  S08.0  Avulsion of scalp
3739  R79.8  azotermia